Telling Nick and Kenny

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I threw up for the 2nd time. Being pregnant sucks. I already told everyone except for Nick and Kenny. I was only 1 month pregnant. How could they not notice! Today I was going to finally tell the love of my life and the person who acts like he's my dad (Kenny).

"Nick can you come here please?" I asked. He walked up to me.

"Babe not to be rude but your getting bigger" Nick said. I gave him the don't say that look. He just chuckled.

"Anyway I wanted to tell you that I'm pregnant!" I announced. He looked shocked and happy at the same time.

"You are!" he exclaimed. I nodded. He gave me a long kiss and we went to tell Kenny.

"Kenny guess what" I said.

"Your pregnant" he answered.

"Thanks for spoiling the fun Kenny" Nick replied.

"Jr told me" Kenny answered.

"He's in trouble" I joked. We all laughed and went our separate ways. I started thinking up baby names. My Clem senses were telling me that it's a boy. Oh well I'll think about it tomorrow. Put in the comments which name out of all of these should be the baby's name in my opinion I like Niko but that's my opinion Peace! 😜Travis,Hunter,Adrian,Issac,Sebastian,Niko,Drake,Tony,or Johnny.

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