You choose Molloy

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"Oh does it matter? She'll choose me anyway" those sure words of your boss Burns was still ringing in your head. You had to make the decision and pick which one you truly wanted to be with.

you took a deep breath before you made your choice. You knew who you wanted, but it was the matter of telling him.

 "Mr Burns, you've been an amazing boss to me, and I really appreciate your kindness and will never forget you" you say as you hold his hands and look into his eyes . He smiled and a truly happy smile as you stated all this. "But I want to be with Molloy, he's the one I love, I'm sorry" you apologise as you walk over to the other man who put his arms around your waist and smiled.

 "WHAT?!?" He exclaimed a very shocked Burns. "After all I've done for you? Why you selfish hussy!" Cried Burns with his hands in fists and stomping one foot on the ground He had an upset and betrayed look on his face.

 "You're fired!" 

 " why? "

 "Because you've now made your choice who your loyalty is with! And it's not me!" 

 " Don't worry my dear" said Molloy in a soft voice.  "We'll move away somewhere, I have plenty of money from burglaries, don't you remember?"

"But what about my grandma? I moved here to see her"

"You will still see your grandmother. I promise you"

You looked pretty sceptical about this sudden, rash plan, but upon seeing his honest eyes and warm smile, smiled back and said, "I guess so" you then proceeded to hug him, as a jealous Burns stood watching.

"Oh, and Burns"

" Hmm? " Monty looked up, hopefully.

"Catch" he said with a smirk as he threw his beloved bobo. He caught bobo and smiled, and cuddling it close to him.

"Come my dear, let's pack up quickly and leave"

You went back home as quickly as you could and packed everything into a suitcase you had and you two both left for Shelbyville.

 "So (y/n), how are you settling into your new home in Shelbyville?" Your grandma asked a month later.

 " Oh just fine grandma" you say with a smile she couldn't see as you took a sip of your drink and say down on your deck chair in your nice new home beside the love of your life.

Meanwhile, at Burns mansion. "Ah well, maybe it was for the best Smithers" said Burns digging into his huge dinner"

" Indeed sir" said Smithers with a huge grin he just couldn't wipe off.

Mr Burns x reader x MolloyWhere stories live. Discover now