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Ed and I are just standing there and they are all facing each other. - Do something! - I push Ed and he shrugs - Like what? - He asks me and I roll my eyes  whispering - I got this - I grab my belly and fake a scream that even makes Ed turn to me. - Are you alright? - Liam asks and now I have everyone's attention. I wink at Ed that nods and they all sit around me - Sometimes she kicks hard, that's all! - I say faking to take long breathes and I can see the tension is gone. Ģhărãm smiles and places a hand on my belly - I can't believe you're having a baby! - She smiles and Harry glances - If she turns to be as half as her mom, she is a little asskicker! - And they laugh. Ed offers them a drink and Maia and Louis offer to help him.

-So boys, let me introduce you to my dear friends - I say and ad - Yes, they can get scared but it's probably because of the way you all look! - And no one resists a pregnant woman - Martina, Ģhărãm, Salam, Shivani - I say and point the guys - They are Liam, the nonstop caring one - And Liam waves blushing - Niall, the cutest blond you'll ever see - And he makes a funny face - Zayn, most well known as the coolest man alive - And Zayn makes  a peace sign - Harry, the joker, lousy one but still best vibes ever! - Harry takes his hat off just to place it on my head - And over there are Maia and Louis - I glance at them and smile - They will get along since they love pranks so you have been warned! - And the girls look happy - Sorry for before - Salam says and the other nod - It was dark! - Shivani says and Niall ads - And cold, right? - And for a moment there's a sparkle between them.

Ed prepares some drinks and Maia is helping. - Stop staring, Lou! - Ed slaps him softly and Louis frowns - Well she is really nice! - Lou says and Maia turns suddenly and they both freeze thinking she heard them - What do I place this ones? - Maia asks and smiles at both. Ed smiles back and pushes Louis - He will help you, there are some glasses on the top drawr - And he leaves them alone. -I guess we just turn from guests to servants! - Louis jokes and Maia chuckles - Well, they are forgiven after all Noelle can barely walk and Ed has to be with her, right? - And Lou nods looking at Maia - That's so kind and thoughtfull of you! - He says and Maia shrugs carrying some of the drinks - What can I say? I am a gentleman! - And they laugh returning to the living.

Liam rushes to help Maia and Louis and bumps into Martu that was doing the same. - Sorry! - Liam says and smiles - It's ok, I guess we are the only ones willing to help! - Martu says blushing a little and Ģhărãm and Harry both reply at the same time - Hey! - As they pout they stare at each other and I laugh - You're talking in stereo, now? - And Harry blushes turning his face as Ģhărãm looks down too. -I say we should make a toast! - Niall raises his drink and Shivani looks at him smiling - For new friends and new members of our family! - He says and we all nod cheering. Niall is not only talking about the baby girl but the girls. I smile since it is a really nice gesture. - I agree! - Harry says and Ed sits beside me placing an arm behind me so he holds me. - I want a picture! - Salam says and Zayn hides his phone since he was about to take a picture himself. - I'm barely wearing make up! - I pout and this time it's Louis that says - You look pretty! - I smile at him and ads - Pretty much knocked up! - And they laugh but Ed hits Lou with a pillow - Don't mess with my gorgeous wife! - He says and I kiss him - Thanks, honey - It seems the clouds over our Christmas week are clearing after a bumpy start.

After having a nice dinner, they all look exhausted - So time for picking a room! - Ed says and grins to  me. We have a special game for them but they don't know - Good! I am so sleepy - Niall says yawning - So how many rooms do you have? - Liam asks and Ed replies - We have 3 rooms so you'll have to share it - And they nod - So where are we sleeping? - Martu asks assuming the girls will share and the boys will have theirs but I stop them - Well, this is supposed to be a fun week so we're mixing you all! - I say happy and clapping but they all stare in surprise - What? - Shivani asks and Niall ads - That's a good idea, Elle? - And they start muttering about how they don't want to be split.

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