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The boys are laughing. The girls are staring - What is so funny? - Salam asks hugging Shivani. Liam is the only one keeping it cool. Ed tried to talk but I shut him up. - Sorry, we forgot to tell you Niall sleeps walks! - Liam says and Louis approaches Niall who is sleeping deeply holding the pillow. -Look at this! - Louis says and he pushes Niall that rolls in the bed - Sometimes we paint his face or throw things at him! - Harry chuckles and as the girls stare at me I nod - It's true, girls. I'm so sorry, Shi! - I say and hug her - You're my sweetie and I would never put you at risk - I say and Shivani smiles kissing my belly - I believe you, Noelle - She says and Maia ads - Ok, can we go back to sleep please? - Louis smiles at her. -Let's try to keep it quiet, our fav mom needs to get some rest! - Martu says sweetly and I can see Liam contains a grin looking down. - Harry talks in his sleep too! - Ģhărãm says and Harry frowns - I do not! - And the boys laugh - Yeah, you do, mate - Zayn says and Liam nods. -What do I say? - Harry asks worried - Mainly you talk about clothes! - And Ģhărãm laughs since that's what she heard. Harry blushes - I'm going back to bed, excuse me! - And before he leaves, he kisses my cheek - Night, mom! - And I smile - Night, my grown up baby! - And slowly they all return to bed. Shivani decides to take Niall's bed - Don't worry, next time I will make sure he sleeps with me - Lou jokes and Maia grins - He does look like a cute baby! - She says and Shivani stares at Niall. He looks so nice and though she remains quiet, his heart is beating fast.

Liam and Martu are chatting about the episode - I think it's cool Noelle did all of this for us - Martu says and Liam agrees as he covers himself - She is already a mom- He ads - At least she always takes care of us in that way - And Martu turns to listen lying on her own bed - When Ed met her it was like a fairy tale - Liam smiles - I remember he just came to us and said "Boys, I just met my future wife" - Martu smiles at the way Liam talks so fond of Ed - We thought he was crazy but when we met Elle, we knew he wasn't lying at all - Liam closes his eyes - They were made for each other. Like in the movies, you know? - And Martu smiles - I know that feeling- She says since Liam was clearly special and makes her feel warmed just with a look. Martu turns off the lights and now right now it's all peace at the house. 

The next day the girls decided to shop for gifts. Since they only have two days before Christmas, they all want to buy presents. -So, you're going shopping today - I say sipping my tea. Ed makes me the perfect tea. -Yes, but we need help since we have no idea where! - Ģhărãm says and I smirk a little. -Oh, you have another of your ideas in mind, don't you? - Maia says and I nod. - But don't worry you get to choose your own tour guide! - I grin and the girls are excited. - Thanks for doing this for us, Noelle- Salam says and I kiss her head - Anytime! You are always in my heart! - And they hug me suddenly as we all laugh. - I can't walk much so I make a list for each one, don't kiss and tell cause its presents for you, ok? - And I give them a piece of paper and they smile - This looks like fun! - Martu says and Ģhărãm grins. - I am just happy to spend Christmas with you, girls! - Shivani says and we all get emotional - Don't do that! - I say joking - In my state I can start crying and the only thing that stops it, it's chocolate! - And they smile. 

Ed is talking to the guys. -I did that? - Niall says ashamed since he likes the little girl - Big time, bro! - Louis ads and the others nod. - But don't worry, we were be able to explain and they understood we are not actual creeps! - Liam jokes and Zayn chuckles. Ed crosses his arms and leans against the wall - So the girls are going to pick who to shop with - He says and the boys nod - I do feel like a boytoy or something! - Harry says and Zayn pats his back - That's has nothing to do with this but you're fame, lad! - And the rest laughs as Harry rolls eyes - Elle has done this for you, since she can't actually go out, she's happy having you all here - Ed says and Louis pins his cheek - You are so cute when you talk about her! - And Niall messes with Ed's hair - All in love and sparkling! - And Ed grins - You will get there and then you will understand me, kids! - And the boys smile.

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