Chapter One

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Elsa straightened out the light blue outfit she wore as she looked in the mirror, preparing herself for the party.
Her younger brother Jack, who didn't put any effort into his outfit, leaned on the doorway, "A pantsuit. Hot. You're totally going to be the life of the house party."
"Just because you don't have an impeccable sense of fashion as I do doesn't mean you get to judge me." Elsa scolded, "Besides, I'm not there to party."
"Yeah, yeah. I know. You're like the Queen of party poopers. And I'm just going so Hiccup doesn't look like an idiot when stalking Merida."
"No alcohol, you're underage." she scowled.
"But the other kids are doing it." Jack pretended to complain.
"Anyways. I have a good feeling this time, I know I'm going to be able to help someone."
Jack narrowed his eyebrows, "So... you're hoping someone goes through a traumatic experience so you can come out the hero?"
"No, I'm hoping to prevent any traumatic experiences. In parties with booze, there are always roofies."
"Dude, all parties have alcohol. You haven't ran into one person that needs assistance." Jack argued.
"Yeahhh, but this one is biggerr." Elsa groaned like a child.
Jack hit her bedroom door, "Well, come on. We have to pick up Hiccup. He's also staying overnight if that's cool." Jack said pointing finger guns at his sister.
"No, it's not cool."
Jack was already rushing down the stairs, "Well, I already asked mom and she said yes, so..."
Elsa rolled her eyes and followed her idiotic sibling.

At the party, the two went separate ways. Jack went with Hiccup to high-key stalk the boy's crush while Elsa waited on one of the grand staircases in the enormous mansion. This way if anyone tries to lead an intoxicated teenager to a bedroom, Elsa would be able to see them and prevent the attack.
It sounds boring and it probably is but this was all Elsa ever did at parties.
She was a loner and didn't have many friends so she wanted to do her part to protect people.

"Dude, we've followed this chick into the kitchen, stood on the sidelines as she robbed these people of all the food in their fridge and you still can't talk to her." Jack asked his timid friend.
Hiccup bounced his head between his shoulders, "It... It's not that easy. Merida is one of the most intimidating people I've ever met."
"She likes weapons and video games." Go crazy." Jack directed as they followed her nonchalantly up the staircase Elsa was on.
"God, this chick only knows people that don't hang out around each other. Can't she just stay in one place?" Jack groaned.
Hiccup shook his head, "No, the variants of people she speaks to is one of the best things about her. She doesn't really judge anyone."
"She judges me all the time."
"Yeah, well, you deserve it."

Elsa glared into the crowd down below.
There was a group of taller, masculine males standing in a circle, looking at something. Laughing.
Finally, one of them reached their hand in the middle and grabbed an arm, pulling it.
It was a girl.
She was stumbling and unable to walk in a straight line without collapsing.
She wore a slightly below knee skirt and a button-up top. Her golden hair all in a braid.
She didn't look like she was dressed for a party like this.
Elsa kept watching as the one that had grabbed her wrist before placed his hand around the girl's waist.
Elsa couldn't tell if she was walking away or not.
Soon the guy led her up the opposite staircase as Elsa, the group of chuckling boys following close behind.
Elsa looked at them wide-eyed and ran up the rest of the stairs, pushing anyone in her way, that included Jack.
The group had already found a room and shut the door.
Elsa tried to turn the knob but they locked it.
She ran and jumped into the door several times before she broke part of the arch that held the door.
The girl was lying on the bed, cheap mascara stains running down her cheeks as the guy had finished pulling down her skirt, leaving her in floral childish underwear.
They all looked at her confused.
It took a minute for them to recognize her as the party snitch.
"How dare you! Stop messing with her right now."
The brunette male, possibly the leader laughed, "Yeah, and what are you gonna do about it?"
Her cheeks got heated and she began screaming her brother's name.
Luckily for her, Jack always makes sure to try and focus on her voice for emergencies. He heard her cry and dragged Hiccup with him up the stairs to find the room containing his sister.
It wasn't hard considering it was the only one with a busted door.
Jack and Hiccup looked horrified at the situation on the bed in front of them and at the same time as if they were all able to read the other's mind, the three charged. Each taking a person head-on.
Sure they were outnumbered.
But... They were also sober.
So they had more of an advantage.
Jack was repeatedly bashing a blonde's head into the wall. Hiccup was dodging slow punches and would wait for the perfect time to strike back. While Elsa, the most angered one of the bunch, was clawing, scratching, biting, kicking, and even pulling out hair.
Even after a body was on the ground she would kick the unconscious male until she left both a bloody and bruised face.
By the time they had taken out the five others, they were all breathing heavily.
"So... Worth it..." Elsa admitted, gasping for air.
"Ha, for you... Maybe... I can't feel my fist." Jack grumbled.
The girl, still aware just unable to move, was still crying. She was absolutely horrified despite it having passed.

After regaining their stamina, Jack and Hiccup tried to leave the room.
"What are you doing?" Elsa asked in a harsh tone.
"Hiccup's going to stalk frizz-ball and I'm there for commentary."
"What? We can't just leave her here! She can't even move!"
"Well, what do you propose then? We can't bring her home with us."
Elsa glared at him.

"I can't believe we're bringing her home with us!" Jack complained.

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