Chapter Three

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Elsa quickly got up and set her book down.
"So, how are you holding up? Are you okay?"
Rapunzel pursed her lips together, "I... I just don't want to talk about it. I hope that's fine."
Elsa nodded, "Yes... Yes of course. I completely understand."
Rapunzel stepped into the room and leaned her head forward, "So... You're Els? Jack's sister?"
"Elsa." she corrected. "Is your name actually Rapunzel?"
Rapunzel nodded.
"Well, come in. Make yourself at home."
Rapunzel complied and stood in front of the bed.
"Do you have a phone to contact your parents?"
"It's just my mom actually and no."
"I don't suppose you know her number?"
"I do not, sorry."
Elsa darted her eyes around the room, "Well... Do you know where you live?"
Rapunzel nodded, "Uhm, yes... just on the outskirts of the city."
Elsa breathed heavily, "Okay, well I can get Jack to drive you home."
Rapunzel's smile slowly faded, "Yeah... Yeah..."

Elsa walked back into her brother's room, "BAH" she screamed, causing his to die on the game.
"Elsa?!" the aggravated boy shouted.
He glared at her.
"I need you to drive Rapunzel home."
Rapunzel popped her head into the room with an innocent smile.
"What? Why me?"
"Because I have to study."
"You weren't studying when I brought her to you like five minutes ago." he groaned.
"Yeah well... I didn't say I don't procrastinate. And also my license... Expired."
Elsa squinted, "As far as you know, yes."
Jack huffed and stood up, "Alright, fine. But you have to keep an eye on Hiccup before he steals Mary's entire lego set."
"I can do that."
Jack entered the hallway and nudged his head down the stairs before leading Rapunzel out.

"Oh, Jack! Is that the girl Elsa spoke about?" His mother said as the two walked through the kitchen.
Jack shrugged, "I hope so."
As his mother put food on the table she looked up at the two, "Well dear, from the sound of it you've had a rough night. Would you like something to eat before you go?"
Jack shook his head, "I don't think that's necessary."
Just then, Rapunzel's stomach grumbled loudly. Her eyes widened and she blushed, covering her stomach.
Jack's mom glared at him, "Yeah well, I think it's necessary."
"I'm so sorry. I don't want to be a bother."
"No, honey, I insist. Please, take all you want."
Rapunzel smiled as she grabbed a few of the pancakes and holding it in her arms.
"Thank you so much, ma'am." She then turned to Jack, "Alright, I'm ready."
His mother looked at the girl, "You know, you can eat it here."
"No, no, it's fine. I've already overstayed my welcome."
Jack grabbed the keys hanging by the door, "Alright, come on Blondie."
Rapunzel followed him, careful not to drop the pancakes.
Jack opened and closed the car door for her, "Okay, so this is a new car. I live it more than my life. Please don't spill your food in it. I don't even allow food in here so count yourself lucky."
Rapunzel smiled as she stuffed her face with the fluffy cakes.
She swallowed the food, "So, I don't really know how to get home from your house but I know how to get there from the park."
"What park? There are hundreds."
"The... The one near the house from yesterday..."
Jack nodded, "Alright."

"So... Why were you at that party? And there are baby wipes in the glove box if you want to wipe off the mascara."
Rapunzel grabbed the wipes, "I met someone. Flynn. He seemed really nice and he invited me to the party."
"You were invited? Then why are you dressed like you're attending church?"
Rapunzel looked at her childish outfit, "What? This is just my normal clothing. Is it not appropriate?"
Jack looked her up and down, including the food she was hoarding, "Well, no. It's appropriate. Just not... what people normally wear to parties. But I guess Elsa showed up in a pantsuit so it's not the weirdest thing."
"What... what is the reasonable apparel to wear to a party?" Rapunzel nervously asked.
"Just some casual clothing."
"I am dressed casually."
"Really?" Jack asked her perplexed.
"Yes. Mother does not permit things like jeans."
"She sounds fun." Jack joked.
Rapunzel giggled, "Oh, turn left here."
Jack complied.

After a few purpose misdirections, Jack turned into a wooded area, "You don't live here, do you? Because I think that would mean you're homeless."
Rapunzel shook her head and opened the car door, standing just outside, "No, I don't... It's just..." she turned to face Jack, "I don't want to go home."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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