Chapter Two

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"I can't believe we're bringing her home with us!" Jack complained while driving.
Elsa innocently giggled, after having gotten her way she was in a better mood now.
"Shhh. I just got her to got to sleep." Elsa informed him while caressing the girl's forehead.
Hiccup laughed before getting out his phone.
He snapped a few images of Jack throwing his tantrum and Elsa caring for the hurt girl.
Elsa laughed, by now the girl's cheeks were stained with her cheap mascara and she had passed out.
Elsa looked at her, "You have to admit she's really pretty."
"And I'm sure her family misses her, we didn't even bother looking for anyone that might've known her."
Elsa glared at the rearview mirror, "If she even did come with anyone, I wouldn't dare give her back! They clearly didn't take good care of her!"
"Dude, she's a person, not an animal. We can't keep her."
"Hiccup, can we keep her?"
Hiccup shrugged, "Go ahead, I don't live with you."
Elsa stuck her tongue out at her little brother, "See! Hiccup said I could keep her."
"We already have a little sister!"
"We don't know if she's older than you!"
"Hiccup, help me out here!"
"Your family, not mine."
Jack scowled, "If you get her then I'm adopting Hiccup."
"I'm good." Hiccup interrupted.
"See? No Hiccup, no... Blonde girl."
"She's still gonna need somewhere to stay for the night." Elsa insisted.
"No, we check for a phone and call someone to pick her up."

"Why is she in my bed?!" Jack shouted after Elsa had tucked their new guest in.
"Because last year you saved your money on a better mattress and bedding so now you have the most comfortable bed in the house." she explained.
"Yeah, which is why I should have my bed back!" he persisted.
"She's had a rough night, I don't want her to be uncomfortable!" Elsa clarified.
"You can't just put strangers in my bed! Where am I even going to sleep? How did you even get her in my bed?"
Elsa pointed to a sheet folded in half and laid out on the floor.
"Your loss. And Hiccup helped me."
Jack swore under his breath.
Elsa grabbed the girl's cheeks and squeezed, turning her head to Jack, "But look at how precious she is."
Jack shrugged and grabbed a pillow off his king-sized mattress, "Fine, I'll just sleep in the living room. But only tonight. Then we have to get her out of here."
"We... we will cross that bridge when we come to it. But if in that time I manage to adopt her then we can rediscuss this."
"Els." Jack said while obviously judging her. He grabbed the sheet on the floor and went to the hall closet to get extra sleeping supplies for Hiccup.
Elsa lightly smiled at the sleeping girl, and gently unbraided her hair, fearing that it was maybe uncomfortable.
When she took out the braid it revealed just how long the girl's hair actually was. It went past her hips.
"Oh my God, it's like touching the softest cloud in the world." Elsa exclaimed to herself.
She eventually left the girl alone and went to her own room to sleep.

The next day Jack wanted to continue his daily routine of playing video games.
But with the sleeping girl in his room, his only option was to creep in and keep the sound low.
He tip-toed across the creaking floors and plopped down in front of his tv. He turned on the console and remote and spent a long time playing a shooting game.
After a while the girl began moving, Jack froze in place and paused his game.
As she found a more comfortable spot in the bed she let out a sweet moan, making him blush unknowingly.

His little sister, Mary peaked her head in Jack's room, "Who's that?"
"I don't know."
"Does mom know she's here?"
"I don't know."
"Why is she in your room?"
"I don't know."
"Do you know anything?"
"Probably not." he admitted robotically trying not to lose concentration on the game.
Mary walked into his room and climbed on his bed, "Oo, she looks like a princess!" she exclaimed.
"Is she a princess?"
"I don't know."
Mary huffed, "Well, Hiccup won't stop hogging all my legos!" she complained.
"Hiccup isn't my concern."
"He's your friend!"
"And I'm sure he wonders why every day, now I'm kind of in the zone here."
Mary stuck her tongue out at him and left.
The girl slowly opened her eyes and looked out the enormous window that showed the neighborhood.
She hummed as she sat up.
Then she immediately jumped when she saw a white-haired boy in front of her in a room she's never seen.
She tried to recall last night with only a vague memory. She remembered being dragged into a room and stripped down while a person or two came to her aid.
She hoped this was one of the people that had helped her.
She crawled to the foot of the bed and leaned her head forward, "What's that?"
Jack instantly jumped and turned around.
The first thing he saw was her vibrant green eyes, opened for the first time in him seeing the girl.
She flashed him a friendly smile.
"Oh... You're awake..." he awkwardly stated.
She nodded.
"Uhh... It's a... a video game."
"Oh! I've heard of that before! What's it like?" she leaned in more, with clearly no sense of personal boundaries.
Jack backed up a bit, "Games that you play... on a television..."
The girl sat back and tucked some hair behind her ears. She held her hand open in front of her, "Well, hi, I'm Rapunzel."
Jack hesitantly shook it, "Jack."
"Thank you for... helping me... yesterday."
Jack shrugged, "It wasn't my idea. It was my sister."
Rapunzel's eyes lit up, "You have a sister? I've always wanted siblings."
Jack furrowed his eyebrows, "Uh... Cool?"
Rapunzel had a wide smile plastered across her face, "Can I meet her?"
"I guess... She's probably in her room." Jack informed, returning to his game.
Rapunzel sat on the bed in silence for a minute, "I don't know where that is."
Jack pursed his lips and paused the game again, "...Right..."
Rapunzel climbed down the bed as Jack stood up.
She looked up at him, he was over six feet.
"You're really short." he laughed.
Rapunzel narrowed her eyebrows as she followed him out.
She walked slowly in the strange house. She didn't know where she was but tried her best to remain positive.
Once Jack reached a certain door he twisted the knob and burst it open.
Elsa was reading a book on her bed.
"Els!" Jack shouted as he stood in the doorway.
Elsa didn't make eye contact, " Don't you ever knock?"
Jack thought for a moment, "No. Anyways, Rapunzel is awake?"
"Rapunzel?" Elsa looked up mad seen the girl from yesterday, finally awake and able to move.
She jumped, "Oh!"
Rapunzel lightly waved.
"So, her name is Rapunzel, she's heard of video games and always wanted siblings. That's all I got, so... Goodbye." Jack finished before leaving.
Rapunzel awkwardly waved again.

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