Who i really am from the beginning

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Once there was a beautiful shiny world where elves, dragons, and fairies lived but they were never enemies until group of reapers and fallen angels attacked them, The elves and dragons fought along side of each other until they weren't strong enough to hold them back but as that was happening the queen and king of the land youth of Touka, had no choice but to ask their servant Zelda to take their 5 year old daughter Rebecca to the world of mortals Zelda followed their orders that she took Rebecca by the hand and they ran away from the war, Rebecca was confused until she heard her mom scream that she looked over her shoulder and sees her mother getting struck down by a fallen angel As she saw her mom getting murdered before her eyes, her father killed the fallen angel that murdered his wife that he felt his daughter eyes on him that he looked up and throw a necklace towards her that she caught it and she heard him yell at her saying,

"Run rebecca,run and never look back." Him yelling at her, Rebecca started to cry that she looked away and kept running alongside Zelda, As she kept running, she heard the terrible cries of her people as they were being slaughtered, she couldn't do a thing, all that could be done was to ignore their pleas and continue to push forward. When Rebecca and Zelda were running all of sudden a reaper then grabbed Rebecca's legs, as the reaper was trying to take her away from Zelda, til Zelda pulled out a sword and cut the reaper in half also she did that Rebecca was just terrified that she just stood there without saying a word, Zelda looked at her and she just gently smiled at her that all a sudden two more reaper creatures jumped up from behind Zelda that without moving she just throw two blades at them, that they both just fell to the ground as they were slaughtered by an elf, then she grabbed Rebecca's arm and they started to run to the gate of the realm of the mortals. As they got there Zelda opened the gate up for her and Rebecca slid her little tiny body into the opening Zelda made for her then as Zelda was about to join her on the other side a fallen angel grabbed Zelda by her beautiful long hair that she had no other choice but to cut her long hair off so she can escape, as Zelda cut off her hair she kicked it in the jaw and slid right thought the gate and the gate then shut close on the fallen angels and the reaper creatures, when they escaped from their homeworld Rebecca's innocents were taken from her as she saw her mother getting murdered even her own people getting slaughtered by those creatures that had no hearts. So as they made it to the realm of the mortals aka the human world, Rebecca looked at Zelda but as she looked at her.. She was crying while staring into the sunset, Rebecca was confused until she spoke to her in her soft sweet voice,

"Rebecca we must forget who we used to be and start a new life as mortals so no matter what happens, never remember the person you used to be. you understand me. " ( looking at her as she smiles)

"I understand Zelda but isn't my friends coming to ain't they gonna met us."(asking her a question even nodding to her)

"*she sighs* Rebecca your friends are not coming I don't even think they made it out alive."(her facial expression changed)

"I see that mean they are with mom and dad know huh Zelda."( looking away from her and looking at the sunset)

" Yes Rebecca they are with your mother and father know."( looking back at the sun)

As they both were looking at the sunset, that day forward they will have to forget everything they use to be when they were in their homeworld but Rebecca even had to forget about her parents even her close friends, but as they had to change the way they looked even they had to hide their elf ears from the humans to not make it seem like they were from another world but they were very tall but the humans don't think there was something wrong with that, so Rebecca grew up in the human world then her home world,

Continues on chapter 2

Who Am I By Moriah Martinez Where stories live. Discover now