Flashback and being with her kin

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When Rebecca said those words to Lynx, he looked down and away from her and left, Rebecca covered her mouth and regretted saying those words... Zelda went after Lynx to see if he was alright and Rebecca followed. When Lynx was about to take off, Zelda spoke to him,

̈ ̈Lynx wait! Rebecca didn ́t mean those words , she was just mad and angry with what you said but please don't leave.¨ (begging him to stay)

¨I made a mistake, I thought if I found her, she would welcome me into her arms but when Sebastian told me she lost her memories I didn't believe him. But when i saw her i couldn't ́t be happier to see her..looking at her brought back good memories of our childhood. I was wrong to believe that she will remember me. I even believe she will remember her friend that cared for her and will protect her no matter what but I was wrong and made a mistake. Rebecca i will protect you as a knight but i made the mistake of thinking you will remember the person i was in our childhood.¨ (yelling while crying)

Lynx looked away and left, without letting Zelda or Rebecca say a word but all of a sudden Rebecca had a flashback of her and Lynx as kids, but as she had the flashback it set a sharp pain to her head that made her pass out. Zelda saw that she passed out on the ground, she ran up to her; to see if she was alright when that was happening. Lynx was just thinking of his childhood and how crazy and weird Rebecca was when they were little.. He then stopped on the roof of a building and was crying because of the words she said to him until he felt his phone ringing from his pocket so he pulled it out and answered it but it was Ash who called him to see where he was at...

(on the phone with Ash)

Hey Ash was up, is something wrong. (wiping his tears away)

Oh Lynx I thought something bad happened to you when you didn ́t return back with Ban and Sebastian. (getting excited to hear his voice)

Ash I'm fine my beloved. I just ran into Rebecca and Zelda, but i ́m coming back right now okay.

Oh really you saw the princess and your friend I ́m happy for you my sweet but you sure you want to come back.

Yes of course i do but it's just Rebecca she doesn't remember me or even know we were friends since we were little, Ash i just made a mistake thinking she can remember me i guess Sebastian was right. (trying not to cry)

What do you mean she doesn't remember you! I thought she was going to remember you and be happy to see you but i was wrong about that but Lynx my dearest you didn't make a mistake it's just she forgot who she truly is as an Elf princess so don't think it was your fault love.

But Ash I wished I could have saved her, I wish i...could have taken care of her as friends do ..even be happy for her that she is in love...with a human. (started to cry)

Wait what! Rebecca is in love with a human how can that be doesn't she know about our laws Lynx bc if Sebastian founds out he will kill the human she is in love with and murder him in front of the princess. (getting worried)

No she refuses to follow the rules of our people because whatever this world did to her messed her mind up where she refuses to follow our laws. But as my love I just want her to remember me as the one who is always going to stand by her side in battle but i ́m on my way so wait for me my dearest. (smiling)

You know I will wait for you but my love you shouldn't let it get to you..I'm sure she will remember you in no time but for now you are her knight and you must protect the princess no matter what you understand love. (getting excited again)

I guess you are right love but just hopefully she remembers who she is and who I am too because I want to be by her side no matter what she is our hope for our people and I must not fail them.

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