The two leaders that serve the dark goddess/ the mission

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While that was going on, they didn ́t know the plans of what is to come from the darkness, In the darkness that hides many shadows and what they look like, There are two leaders that served the goddess of darkness, One is a demon of course but he has blood black red eyes that glows when the moon hits them, he has bangs covering his right eye but the left side is shaved but he even wears a black ripped trench coat that has an upside down cross hanging from it., His name is ̈Fenrir¨.  But then there is the second leader is a fallen angel but his eyes are a dark dandelion yellow but when he is in the dark they glow like stars, he has super long loose hair that is a very dark sunset yellow, but he mostly wears a jacket but no shirt underneath it but he has ripped jeans that is like a blood color but he has a lip piercing that attach to his ear. His name is ̈Arael. They are the ones that what to destroy the light so the darkness can rule the whole universe but a long side of them is a young boy that looks just like Rebecca but he's not mortal or immortal, no one really knows what he is or how he was created but he knows who his father is because his mother told him who his father was. His name is ̈Gray ̈, but he really don ́t think darkness will royal the world but be destroyed but he just like to question himself sometimes; As that was going on, the two masters that severed the Goddess of darkness was making their plans how to strike this nasty gross mortal world and claim it as theirs,

¨So you lead us this far Fenrir so what is our next move since we need their queen because she is the only one that still carries  the light within her.¨ (looking at him)

¨We have to bait her out to believe that she isn't the only one with the light within, that is when Gray comes in and tell her a lie about how they are siblings and he was the one from their mother's womb, then once we have her, she will slowly fall into darkness.¨ (smirking at Gray) 

¨Wait! What! You want this stupid teen to get her for us, you are fucking crazy Fenrir.¨(getting mad)

¨Arael, you don't understand what Gray can do because he wasn't the one that was given to you by Lord Leo.¨(walking up to him)

¨So you had to babysit Lord Leo´s child or something if i'm correct but still Gray is an idiot like your captain Aguras.¨ (in a pissy mood) 

¨Don´t you dare call my lieutenant an idiot, he killed many, many people. That is why I took him in and raised him like my own. So Areal I want you to get Gray and Aguras and explain the plan to them and then send them on their way. (smiling at him and walking away)

When Fenrir gives Arael orders, he gives him a bow and goes to go get Aguras and tell him the plan he has to do with Gray and bring  Rebecca to them so they can take her light from her and use it to take control of the world and universe. When Arael was going to get Aguras and tell him the plan, Gray started to laugh like he was crazy then he turned to face Arael but he was in fear when he saw Gray's facial expression, 

"So I get to bring my sister to you guys but once her light is taken from her I get to kill her myself and then enjoy watching her bleed to death and even play with her intestines while she begs for her life. " (Chuckling and looking at Arael) 

"Gray! You are fucking insane! That is your sister you are talking about but you can't kill her yet, you idiot child. " (Shaking and getting angry) 

"Of course I'm insane, oh come on Arael you don't like when I'm insane now that hurt my feelings, but she isn't my full sister but half besides mother said I can kill her when you guys once have that light in your hands, so let me do my job and you do you're okay pretty boy. " (Licking his lips) 

"Tch you are insane and it's disgusting  but I'm not a pretty boy I'm a cold blooded murder so you stay out of my way." (Getting in his face and spitting on the floor) 

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