Chapter 11

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We all sat in Roman's car, outside of Willoughby.

No one came out as I played with Roman's hair, completely ignoring Peter.

"What if Destiny was wrong?" Roman asked resting his head back.

"What if the invitation was in Willoughby's car? Or her purse?"

"What if the moon hits your eye?" I rolled my eyes.

"What if it was an e-vite?" Roman asked.

"Then the Order of the Dragon will have to find a new adventure."

"Suck a bag of dicks!" Roman yelled.

"I never called us the Order of the Dragon."


Roman started biting his nails as his eyes caught sight of a old man with a walker.

"What's with this guy?" He pointed.

"I don't know. He's just old." Peter told him.

"Gross." Roman commented.

"How old's your mom, anyway?"

"Why don't you ask her that?" Peter said as my phone chimed.

Olivia; food and flower planning is tomorrow, @10:00am, tell roman

Ivy; yes, ma'am, ill tell him rn

I was about to put my phone away but it chimed once again.

My eyes widened as I checked the text.

Olivia; search for houses, it's time you move in together

"What if they don't leave?" Roman asked as I looked up from my phone.

"What if we stop beginning sentences with those two words?" Peter snapped.

"Hm?" I rolled my eyes.

"Calm down, you two. Oh, and by the way Roman we have to find a house." I said.

"Fuck Penrose!" Roman exclaimed getting out.

Peter and I quickly following him.

"Hey! We were gonna wait till they left." Peter said but Roman didn't answer.

"Roman!" The taller boy knocked on the door.

"Asshole. What the fuck?"

"Can I help you?" Mr. Willoughby asked.

"Mr. Willoughby. We're here about Lisa." Roman said.

"This isn't a good time." The elder man said.

"Mr. Willoughby." Roman said more sternly, making Willoughby look at him.

"You're exhausted. You should really take a nap." I smiled at Roman.

"In case you were wondering, cops call this shit breaking and entering." I rolled my eyes at Peter.

"Was it ever gonna be anything else?" Roman asked.

"I'm just saying that there's the right way
and then there's the foolish way. Don't ever do it that way again." Peter said.

"Well, I think that it's insanely sexy." I told Roman as he winked at me.

"I'm going to wait in the car, don't do anything stupid." I told the two before heading to the car.

For the last 3 minutes, I sat in the car, looking over properties on my phone, when a gust of wind woshed in my ears.

I turned to see Castiel, causing me to roll my eyes.

"What're you doing here?" I asked.

"You need to come with me." I rose a brow.

"And why do I need to do that?" I asked getting out of the car.

"Angels and demons are coming for you, and I can't keep you safe unless you are with me." I laughed shaking my head.

"I'm getting married, and I survived 11 years without you, I think I can handle some angels and demons." I said.

"You sure? Remember the car crash when you were 10 years old? How you magically were found outside of the car safely. Or when you fell from the top of the house at age 13, how you landed softly and safely on the grass."

"That was you?" I asked.

"Yes. Now we need to go." He said.

"Thank you for all of that, but I can't leave. I need to stay." I said.


"Babe." Roman's voice said as I turned.

"Hey." I said.

"Who's this?" Peter asked.

Roman took me in his arms, glaring at Castiel.

"This is Castiel. My father." I said.

"And what is he doing here?" Roman asked.

"He wants me to go with him. Says demons and angels are after me." I said.

"You are not taking my girlfriend." Peter said stepping closer.

"This is your fiance?" Castiel asked me.

"I am her fiance, now why don't you leave?" Roman said trying to compel him.

"Your completion won't work. And if you care about her, you'd let her come with me."

"I think we're good. Ivy get in the car." Roman said.

I rolled my eyes before getting into the middle, Peter beside me.

"Come near her again, and I'll see to it, you're dealt with." Roman said.

He got into the driver's seat and started the engine before speeding down the street.

Between Them -Peter Rumancek & Roman GodfreyWhere stories live. Discover now