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The enchantment room that George and Dream were in was mostly silent, apart from the sound of George killing spiders in the mob spawner. The lack of conversation was a little disconcerting to George. Dream was rarely ever silent, especially during roleplay in the server. George tucked his sword back into its holster and walked up to Dream. He was lying on a bench between the bookshelves. His feet propped against the side of the shelf, one foot crossed over the other. He failed to notice George approach him as he played with some flint and steel in his hands.

"You're awfully quiet. It's a little concerning Dream..." George trailed off. He leaned against the enchantment table that faced his friend. George removed the goggles from his head and began to clean them with his pale blue shirt.

Dream continued his silence for a little longer, causing George to look around the room, almost as if searching for something else to say. He opened his mouth, but words failed to fall past his lips. Eventually, Dream filled the silence with a laugh. It almost seemed lighthearted, but it remained somewhat sinister.

"Psychopath..." George scoffed with a smile before getting up to leave the room.

He brought the goggles back up to his head, sliding them into place, neatly atop his dark brown hair. Two steps forward, and Dream sat up. George could hear the approaching footsteps of his friend before he felt a large hand fall onto his shoulder. A small pat from Dream.

"Follow me, I have an idea, but we need SapNap," he said, walking past the shorter individual.

George smiled before catching up with Dream and following him out to the community house.

The day was unusually bright that day, and the walk to the community house just further emphasized the sun's heat. "God, it's so hot," George complained, raising his arm to shield his eyes from the sun. "No, it's not" Dream scoffed, "This is like a typical night in Florida," he finished. George rolled his eyes, and Dream laughed. "Oh, I'm Gogy! I can't stand 80-degree weather! Oh no! I'm melting!" Dream laughed, pushing the doors to the community house open. "Whatever, piss baby," George remarked, slowly relishing in the cool atmosphere of the building.

SapNap whipped his head over in the direction of the boys. He was busy cooking food that he had been collecting earlier that day. SapNap reached into the chest beside him, gathering more coal to fuel the furnaces in front of him. "What do you losers want?" he chuckled, dusting his hands off with a rag that lay on the crafting table beside the furnace. "I knew you'd be here," Dream remarked, motioning his head towards the furnaces. "What's that supposed to mean?" SapNap asked, looking back and forth between the ovens and the boys that were approaching him.

The tall hooded man stopped in front of SapNap and pointed a slim finger at the bright orange and red flame that decorated his friend's white tee. "Pyromaniac, much?" Dream teased and looked at the furnaces.

"I swear Sap; you could just sit here for hours, watching the flame bubble within these things. I've seen it with my own eyes, man..."

SapNap sighed and sat on the stairs that were a few feet behind the bunch. The wood planks whined and creaked as George took a few steps back, allowing his friend to walk past him. "Great, a psychopath and a pyromaniac. This war should go smoothly, I'm sure," George stated as he looked out the window that pointed towards the tall black stone building that belonged to the members of L'Manberg.

"It will go smoothly; you have to understand that these are advantages" Dream quickly defended.

"Ad-advantages? You've met Tommy, haven't you?" George half laughed, half exclaimed.

"You mean the not 6'3" British bitch boy?"

"SapNap-" George paused.

"Yes! It goes perfectly with my plan! We need to intimidate them into surrendering, and what better way to do that than to show them what we are capable of?" Dream nearly shouted. He opened the clay-colored pouch that he kept tied around his belt loop and pulled out a piece of flint and steel.

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