Aim and Fire

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Wilbur could feel the panic and anticipation practically dripping off of his team members. Tommy looked like he wanted to cry. Dream was holding George back from the back of his shirt.

"You selfish and childish bitch!" Tommy yelled at the elder. There was newfound anger that was seeping into the boys' bodies, and neither knew how to control it.

Punz grabbed the hilt of his sword and felt his body become heavy with anger and the desire for revenge. SapNap directed an arrow at Tommy, almost challenging him to disrespect George again. Fundy watched the scene unfold before him. There was nothing that could mend the situation at the moment.

It was almost as if a switch had flipped within their heads. One moment, they were friends, but then they stood there, looking at their adversaries.

Dream could barely manage to formulate a coherent thought as he struggled against the intrusive thoughts that were invading his mind. Had he a lack of self-control, there was no doubt in his mind that he would have already fired at Wilbur for looking at SapNap and George with threatening eyes. He shut his eyes, a searing pain halting his logic and reasoning before his conscious was no longer a valid player in the war.

SapNap was the first to fire an arrow. Tommy quickly reacted, raising his shield to block the threat.

At this, the men of L'Manberg ran. The went back to their previous positions, creating the barrier of distance between them and their enemies. Punz had pulled out his sword by that time and began running towards Eret. Dream watched Tommy pull back another arrow and aim it at him. Dream countered this with the same action, pointing an arrow at the younger and backing up to hide behind a stone pillar.

There was a shout of pain that came from Dream's left side. Fundy now sported a pretty deep slice on his forearm. He raised his sword and swung it at SapNap, creating a laceration on his chin. "Too much distance between you and him," the voice in Fundy's head countered. "Get closer."

SapNap retreated, grasping his chin. Fundy took the chance to take a few steps back, gripping his arm to stop the bleeding. George ran to SapNap and began to place blocks. He created a wooden wall, five blocks wide, and two blocks tall. "Get behind the wall!!" George shouted, aiming his bow and arrow at Wilbur as he backed up.

Dream watched as Tommy continued to aim at him. The new fort was just a few blocks away. "If you run, he'll shoot. Aim, fire, and run."

His hands were sweaty. He studied Tommy's position. He watched Wilbur attempt to shoot at the wall that George had built. He opened his fingers, keeping the belly of the bow between his thumb and his palm. A quick stretch of his fingers and his death grip returned. The bow quickly pointed at Tubbo, and Tommy's eyes went wide. His teammate was not aware of Dream's sudden change of target.

"Fire at me! Come on, you stupid green tyrant! Stop hiding!" Tommy shouted as he took a step closer to the stone pillar.

Dream took the opportunity of Tommy's momentary distraction and pointed the arrow again at Tommy. His right hand pulled the string as tight as he could before he released it. Quickly after, Dream looked towards George, who was watching him and sprinted as fast as he could.

Tommy evaded the arrow, letting it stab into the ground behind him as he aimed his arrow at Dream and releasing the taut string. If Dream had started his sprint just one second before, Tommy would have shot him right in the torso.

Dream watched the arrow fly right in front of him before he dived. He landed on his hands and knees behind the safety of the wooden fort.

Tommy ran back to Wilbur, where he helped Tubbo build a wooden wall to shield them from the onslaught of arrows that SapNap and Punz were shooting.

"What are we to do? What's the plan, Wilbur?" Tommy asked as he peeked past the wall.

"We need to hurt them. That way, their attacks are less aggressive and less effective. They're behind a fort, so we need to build up and shoot at them-" Wilbur said, trying to formulate an active attack. Tubbo interrupted him quickly, "No! We dig. If we make them think that we are going to shoot from above, then they will focus on that.

Meanwhile, two of us will dig down. Wilbur covers the entrance holes. We won't dig directly down, dig down at first, go three blocks deep, and one digs right, the other left, and we then dig straight ahead until we reach them. Fundy, look at how many blocks we need to dig forward." Tubbo quickly explained. His mind was working at 100 miles per hour as he tried to think up of the plan.

"That's brilliant, Tubbo!" Tommy encouraged and grabbed his friend by the shoulders, shaking him with happiness.

"Right, so who digs and who shoots?" Fund asked, flinching when an arrow strikes against the wall, causing a thud to echo.

The sweat was dripping down their faces, making them wish they had started the war later when the sun was not so hot.

"Tubbo and Fundy dig down. We shoot from the top. Do you guys have shovels? We need blocks to build up, build two out and two up, platforms for us to shoot as well, and most importantly, be careful my men."

A/N: Sorry for the delayed update. This is cross-posted on AO3 which is where it is first updated. I meant to upload this chapter here and forgot. Hope you guys enjoyed it ! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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