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If one day my favorite smile returns, 

If you watch the beautiful sunset again, and the beating of the waves. 

If love songs make you happy again,

I will accept that. 

If one day the cause of my favorite smile is different,

If you are watching the sunset, to the beat of the waves with someone else,

If you remember a different name every time you hear a love song,

If it's no longer me,

If you have forgotten my name, 

I will accept that.

If one day I can see your smile again,

behind it a new reason,

I still watch the sunset, 

listening to how the waves call you,

as every letter of your name will be remembered.

And how those nine letters brought me back to life, 

crushed me,

binded me.

To be free,

and to be set free.

If one day you find love again, 

If not for me--

if it's no longer me, 

and if you have forgotten my name, 

I will accept that.

Belles Paroles (Literature)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora