~ Renee's big move ~

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(Authors pov)
Renee being 26 years old was preparing for the biggest move of her entire life. She loved her home, she loved Canada, but she knew for the route she was going the US was the place for her. She wasn't ready to leave her family and friends behind, but she had to move on in life, she felt as if she was missing something, and she needed to find it. Her financial state wasn't the best, but she needed to get to the US , and of course she had to be in one of the most expensive places, Las Vegas. She'd be there for a few auditions she had gotten, she wasn't very confident, but she'd hoped that she can pull at least one of them through. Renee knew that with the amount her flight costs, with all the things she was bringing, and for other expenses when she gets there she was going to need a roommate. She was living on her own before she lost her job, and when she did she decided it was best to peruse her wildest dreams being in some sort of entertainment industry.

(Renee's pov)
"Today is the big day." I thought to myself. It was about time for me to move to the great USA. I'd be leaving my entire childhood behind and finally pursuing the the great person I know I have the ability to become. I already had the apartment I had in mind in Nevada, and the speech classes I would take. My Canadian accent is pretty hard to understand when you aren't a Canadian yourself. My flight leaves at 3:00, it was 1pm and I was already saying my goodbyes and sobbing with my family. "Renee you don't have to leave you can stay here!! I'll pay you my allowance!" My 9 year old cousin Nathan said. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "I love you Nate, I'm gonna miss you." I said hugging him. I'd already said bye to my mom, my brother my aunts cousins and uncles, it was now time for my dad to take me to the airport. We arrived in about 20 minutes, as we got there my dad began to shed a tear, and so did I. "I love you dad, I'll make sure to call everyday and visit when I can." He gave me a hug "I love you ren, be safe ok?" I nodded and smiled as my cheeks began to redden because of my tears. I walked away flashing my dad a smile and going through the doors. It was about 2:00 when I arrived. I say down after checking in, and waited for my plane to be called when a nearby coffee shop caught my eye. I grabbed my wallet and my bags and began to approach, the coffee shop. I ordered a small medium, forgetting how expensive airport drinks and food are it came up to $10.67 I knew I didn't have that much cash on me, and my card was in my bags. I sighed, "I'm sorry I don't have that much cash on me I-" I was just about to say that I wouldn't get anything when I heard of male voice say "I'll pay it for her, I'd like the same thing she's getting thank you." I turned around to see a guy tall, very very toned curly messy dark blonde hair with probably the most deepest blue eyes I've ever seen he wore jeans and a white T-shirt with a small beard he flashed a little smirk which revealed his dimples I blushed a little since dimples are a bit of a turn on for me. He was hot. Very very hot. "Oh no you don't have to." I said, my accent got a little in the way of the comment since I was so nervous so he looked like he didn't hear me "you-you don't have to buy that for me I can just wait." I said. "No biggie, it's not everyday you get to buy a pretty Canadian woman a coffee." The tender have the man both coffee's "you enjoy gorgeous." He said with a wink and that sexy smirk. He walked away without looking back. I watched as he walked away noticing he seemed a tad stiff, like he was sore or something. I smiled realizing he'd called me pretty, I was in shock I'll admit, I'm a bit of an over thinker so now I'd be thinking about the fact that a hot guy bought me a coffee for the next 3 months trying to convince myself that we're going to meet again and live happily ever after. Damn it why do I always overthink. I thought to myself. I wanted to go after him and get his number or something but right now I was career focused I didn't have time to be stars truck over a sexy guy wearing a white v neck with dark jeans with a slight wrinkle- see I'm DOING IT ! I'm obsessing for no reason at all. You know what's just forget it I'm here for business not pleasure. I got up and grabbed my things as my flight was called. The flight was about 6 hours. I had finally landed in Vegas around 10:00. My keys to my apartment was mailed to me, so I was able to go in and sleep there. My mattress and bedroom set were sent here as well, I was finally able to rest after a long flight.

(Authors pov)
As Renee was finally able to settle, she began to put an ad out online for the empty room in her apartment, she specifically wanted women , she didn't have time for a creep to move in with her.

Authors note
Hey you all! The first chapter was just to give you a taste of what's to come, obviously this interaction between the "mystery man" and Renee won't be the last one to happen, but it might take a little bit of time and patience before we see them in the same room together again.

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