Mandem Assemble

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"Elaine really did you dirty bro." Marcus whistled.


"Personally,.." Ben moaned. "I wouldn't take that if I was you. Just saying."

Taiwo sighed a long heavy breath. "Boys, in the words of our Reverend Future..."

"She belongs to the streets." Mandem howled in unison.

We laughed, dabbed fists and jeered some more. It was weird. This time, there was no sense of uneasiness about it. No halt or hesitation. I just went with the flow and finally, it matched theirs. Surrounding me, in the living room were Mandem. Ben, Marcus, Taiwo and Chris, still wearing their Doyle Park uniform. Their baffled looks when we picked them up from the bus stop will always stay with me.

"Guy, so this is where you've been this past week. I'm trying to be like you, I mean look at this place." Awed Ben, his eyes danced as they googled the large expanse of the penthouse.

"But I did warn to stay away from that girl." Taiwo interjected.

A deadpan stare took hold. But Koju's breathing technique helped settle the raging storm within.

"Are you going to help me or not?" I forced through clenched teeth.

"Could you go over the plan again?"

"It's quite simple." Koju cut in, a heightened irritation lingering in his tone. "First you will squash any rumours when Damian returns to school for the trip to Mercer Tex. Tell them he suddenly felt very sick, hard diarrhoea usually kills peoples' curiosity."

"Hard diarrhoea, got it." Chris nodded, while I facepalmed.

"Next, when I give the signal, you guys will create a big diversion within the groups of students. Allowing myself, Damian and Kumar to slip out on a trip to the toilet. Once we have rescued the Queen and Elizabeth I will activate the alarms and we will all stream out the building and go our separate ways."

I sat amongst my friends, watching their minds work out the pros and cons of the idea. Koju was positioned on his stool and Kumar leaning against the wall. We knew the plan to rescue my mom and Elizabeth depended on their answer. A chilling shudder grasped my body as their countenance mimicked that of Mr O'Rourke's class.

"I dunno mehn, causing distractions seems like a very troublesome affair." Mused Chris. "You're gonna have to sweeten the pot." His index finger and thumb making the classic cha-ching symbol.

"Come off it Chris." Taiwo raked.

He's right." Groaned Ben. "Like we could actually get in trouble for this." Their dejected faces told the same tale.

"I understand." Stated Koju. "That's why depending on your success you will each receive a ten thousand euro."

Several thundering thuds racketed around the room. A result from six jaws dropping. A sudden case of rapid blinking took over, followed by hollow breaths. Koju's meditation technique again proved useful. Inhale for four seconds, hold for seven and exhale for eight. After settling, I noticed the shaking nods and chatter of approval from my friends.

"That will do nicely." Squawked Chris.

"With that, I believe you're time here is up."

The sudden turn of multiples eyes towards me made me seize. But Koju's authoritative tone resonated that this was not up for discussion. I shrugged and they got the gist. Watching them leave felt wrong. I motioned to Koju to see them off, he nodded. At the queue for the exit, tales of how the money would be spent were plentiful. Mercer's phone, holidays abroad, were all were on the table. I witnessed them past through the door, Chris, Ben, Marcus then Taiwo. Yet as I stood under the door frame, they formed a semi-circle around me in the corridor. Each dabbing me up before telling me good luck and leaving. Taiwo was the last to do so.

"This you yeah?" He sighed.

"Yeah man."

"Who would've thought man like Damian was a prince in disguise? You look the part and my man's been hitting gym I see."

I overturned my arms to see what he meant. Veins in my forearm bulged, leading to a sculpted bicep and shoulder. The teal dashiki Koju made we wear, glowed its intricate designs and patterns under the corridors long LED panel lighting. Hiding a chiselled six-pack underneath. I stammered at the sight. This was not the same person who got winded playing ultimate Frisbee. He dusted off speckles of dirt off my shoulder before speaking once more.

"Take care bro." He said.

"You too bro."

We hugged, pounding the other from behind. I watched him saunter through the corridor then turn the corner. Out of my life for the last time. Heavy footsteps were dragged back into the flat. Two furrowed faces greeted me on my return.

"You're crying Damian."

I dabbed at my eyes and sure enough, they felt wet.

"Yeah." I spoke slowly, wiping away the tears.

"Let's go save my mom."

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