Chapter 1: Brothers

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January 27, 2012

"Guess who's graduating high school in a few months," Bang said as he sat before four gravestones. He points both of his thumbs at himself. "This guy!"

The seventeen year old boy smiled as he stared at the graves of his deceased family members.

It's been nine years since they died. Bang and Cardo spent nine years without their father, mother, and their youngest brother and sister. The only person who watched over them was none other than Claudia, who is now twenty-nine. Normally, him and Cardo would visit their family's grave together along with Claudia once a week, but ever since he's gotten used to his teleportation ability—he's been visiting the family grave more often.

Bang kneeled to look at the gravestones before staring down at the dirt. "I know you're all tired of me apologizing," he chuckled sadly. "I know it's not my fault and that I need to move on for my brother's sake."

The teenage boy looks at his father's gravestone. He sighs.

"I'll be the older brother you want me to be," Bang declared as he stood up. "I'll move on so Cardo can do the same!"

He looks up at the sky with a bright smile. "I hope you're watching me!"

"I'm sure they're watching, Master Bang."

Bang jumped from the voice, turning around to see Claudia standing behind him. He gawked at her, wondering how the maid was able to find where he was.

"H-How did you—"

"I've known you since you were a newborn, Master Bang," Claudia answered before he could finish. "It was either here or making a fuss somewhere downtown."

"You really do know me more than anyone," Bang laughed softly, scratching the back of his head. "Is Cardo still home?"

"Master Ricardo is still in bed since I left to find you," Claudia walked up to Bang before looking down at some dirt that got on his pants from him kneeling earlier. She crouches to brush the dirt off. "Still as sloppy as you were sixteen years ago."

"Except I can clean up after myself," Bang pulls his legs away from Claudia. "I'm not a child, ya'know?"

"But you are a child," Claudia chuckled as she stands back up.

Bang sighed and crosses his arms. "Can't believe that guy stays at home all the time."

"He never leaves the manor," Claudia tilts her head at the tall teen. "Why do you ask?"

"I was thinking of taking him out downtown, let him see the rest of Seattle," Bang answered.

Claudia shakes her head at Bang. "Master Ricardo will only refuse."

"Not unless I push him enough!"

"At least let me take you home, Master Bang," Claudia insists. "I drove out here to find you, and I will be upset if you just teleport away again."

"Hehe..." Bang laughed softly,  still smiling at his maid. "Didn't think you'd drive around looking for me only to find me here. Like, their graves is on our property anyway—you didn't have to go that far."

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