chapter five

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you're pov

i was walking home it was dark but not a soul around so i thought

??-hey babe

i ignored

??-he was talking to you

the other man said standing in front of me

You-i'm just trying to get home i-i don't want any trouble

??-there won't be any trouble just come with us

??-hey leave her tf alone

??-or what?

the tall figure came into frame it was him. Blake it had been atleast 3 weeks by this point

You-b-blake leave i-

Blake-let her go

the man let u go pushing u towards blake he wraps his arms around you

Blake-long time no talk princess

You-don't start

Blake- Y/N stop i like you a lot okay i want to be with you

You-y-you do?

Blake-of course i do Y/N

You-i-i like you too Blake like a lot b-but

he cuts you off by kissing you, you kiss back but pull back after a little

Blake-cmon lets go back

he takes ur hand and walks back to sway you both run upstairs he kisses you. you kiss back it gets heated fast he lays you down

You-blake i can't do it

he sighs and sits behind you

You-i'm sorry but i can't do this to bryce

Blake-i get it, come here

he said opening his arms, you relax into his arms

You-i'm sorry b-

Blake-Y/N it's okay i understand

you smile and he kisses ur forehead

Blake-me and you are going on a date tomorrow


Blake-secret but dress casual be ready by 6 okay?


you smile and slowly begin to fall asleep

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