chapter seven

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you got home and ran straight upstairs
you texted blake


hey want to watch a movie?

two minutes had gone by he normally replies straight away. you got up and walked to his room listening close you hear moaning a girls moaning. you're heart breaks a little as you walk back to you're room. you knew it was another girl there was a size 4 1/2 converse downstairs and you knew none of the boys had that small of feet and they weren't you're shoes. you shut the door and walk into the bathroom connected to you're room. you turn on the shower and slowly undress you're self whilst queuing songs on you're spotify then climbing in the shower letting the warm water hit you're skin washing you're body and you're hair.

after you were done you rinsed the water out ur hair and wrapped a towel around you're body. and walking out into ur warm bedroom to see a tall figure sitting on the edge of you're bed. blake

YOU-what are you doing in here

you sigh as he turns around looking you up and down

YOU-ay eyes up here

he looks up at you

BLAKE-i got you're text come here

he said opening his arms

YOU-i'm good

you say walking over to you're wardrobe picking out some shorts and a long t-shirt. you feel strong arms snake around you're waist you push them off

BLAKE-cmon princess what's up with you

YOU-get out Blake

BLAKE-what tf have i done wrong

YOU-"ooh blake hm faster"

you say mimicking the girl he was with. his face drops

BLAKE-i- i promise it's not what it seemed l-

YOU-no blake it was EXACTLY what is seemed like. you're just stringing me along like i'm just some stupid bet

BLAKE-babe cmon why would you ever think that. i promise you it was a one time thing

YOU-i don't care give me time

and with that he walks out

word count-343

all a bet{blake gray}Where stories live. Discover now