chapter eight

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you wake up the next day dragging you're self downstairs and see a girl sitting on the counter

YOU-sorry to be rude but who are you?

??-oh i'm kayla, Blake's girlfriend


BLAKE-yeah girlfriend?

KAYLA-well aren't we blakey?

BLAKE-no? you're just obsessed with me

you let out a soft chuckle making blake smile you grab some toast and head back to you're room sticking on a movie slowly falling back to sleep.

you were woken up by what sounded like an alarm clock but it was really just you're big brother Bryce

YOU-huh? whatt

BRYCE-uh Y/N...

YOU-whats wrong?

you say sitting up rubbing ur eyes

BRYCE-it's angel. she uhm

you knew exactly what he was going to say angel was you and bryces little sister she was in and out hospital all the time.

you didn't say anything you stated blankly at the wall Bryce hugs you before walking out you're room shutting the door behind him that's when u let it out. You hated showing Bryce when you were upset just like he hated you seeing him upset.


Y/N are you okay?

i'm fine leave me alone

cmon i know you're not fine

you lock ur phone and lay down staring at the ceiling

word count-221

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