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(Classic/Young Randi up top)
A young sky blue mongoose, with black hair with her fur coving most of it, she as on light purple tank top with blood-red pants with holes on them, she also has had dark pink fingerless gloves on with a light pink bracelet, her shoes are black and dark purple with purple dark purple wings on them.

Her name is Randi,Randi The Mongoose.

She walks out her room and on to her balcony and looks at the night sky with a sigh of boredom.

"I hate being a Princess, No wonder princess Sally Acorn became a freedom fighter, being Royal is soooo boring!" Says Randi in her mind as she leaned her head on her right palm with another sign "I wish...I can meet HIM someday.." Says Randi,this time out loud.

What young Randi didn't know is that she will meet HIM..

Who is HIM you may be asking? It's Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog of course!

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