Part 10- Plan Fails

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While Maggie was busy crying her dad entered the room "You should knock before you enter " said Maggie without looking at him "Oh Pardon me , Maggie you will love there you won't have to take care of Grandma and Rudy and Charlie will also arrive soon after you . You won't feel bore I promise . Your mother has made me book day after tomorrows flight , so tomorrow do all the packing " ended Chester with a smile , then he scurried away . 

Maggie  stopped sobbing and thought "If Ruby and Chary (Charlie ) will be there then it will be fun , but if I go it will be like letting mom win , I can't allow her to win so I should not go " then she started to think for plan but she did not get any . 

She soon fell asleep as she was thinking . Next day in the morning Maggie woke up suddenly and thought "Oh no tomorrow is the day , wait I have an idea , I will not pack my backs which is why I wont go "Maggie became happy she went down to search for her mom just to make sure that she wont be there watching her not pack . 

She searched in the hall , in the kitchen , in the store room and in the laundry room she did not found her so she believed that her mom had gone for work. She had her breakfast on the couch along with the TV on like she always used to when her mom was at work . Suddenly "Maggie !!!"

Maggie became shocked and she looked back fast "Have your food on the table not on the couch and have you started the packing, wait I know what you are planning , you are planning to pack your back so that you will not need to go . Go pack right after your having food . I am watching you " ended Manda and she went to the laundry room . Maggie sighed , she finished her food and went to her room to pack . Now she knew that she have no option but let her mother win. She thought why is she having this much ego? why can't she go have fun with her cousins and grandma. 

She soon finished packing every single thing she sat simply looking at her clock watching the clocks handle move slowly .

Dear Reader's 

Do you think this much ego is good ?

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Your's Pinkdash2020(Gauri Jayamohan )  

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