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Hi! I know that I keep adding these little parts, but I have come to a decision.

I am going to rewrite this story when I have time because I've been reading it and I've realised how shit it is.

I'm going to rewrite it, with the same story line, but with better characters (Adam and Mikey weren't included in this one because at the time of writing it, they weren't really in the limelight at all.), and just make it a lot better. Longer chapters, better words.

(I did write this when I was so much younger and now I get how terrible they were.)

Comment and let me know if I should/shouldn't do this.

:) Thanks for loving my terrible fanfiction!

♡♡♡ hope ur all good in quarantine.

Yung Love (Yungblud X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now