Melanie. (27)

16 5 1

"Take to your hands for our King and Queen Uncanny, esteemed Lord and Lady over all of Afalon and the Æther entire, the originator of all trait sins, King Rork and Queen Delores."

He continued on, introducing each son. I followed down the line as he did.

There is a small dog on the Prince of Passion's lap, which is both confusing and contradictory considering his lack of love for anything other than himself. The small pet settles happily among the flamboyant gauze of his black shirt, clearly comfortable in the vicious man's presents.

Bored, I decided to watch mothers reaction instead. I notice her briefly assess the dog, then she moves on to watch the royal couple.

I decided to look at their outfits, as I assume mother is doing for there is not much else to look at. The other sons, of whom I have not yet met, all seem to be generally ostentatious in various quantities and aspects of their appearance. Maddox wears his usual doublet in all black, this time slightly accented with what looks to be a silver thread in whorls across the collar leading to a point at the navel. The shoulders aren't hugely padded but do have a slight arch. He wears black velvet trousers with pointy toed boots, capped in more solid silver.

To his left, the Queen and King are seated in matching emerald outfits, more fit for a ballroom than a trial. Perhaps they had one after and didn't want to change again? The Queen's skin contrasts beautifully with the shimmering organza that spills over the floor, and someone — a maidservant, likely — has brushed a similar bright green highlight over the arches and high points of her skin, making her look sharp and fierce. The King is styled in a similar fashion, his shoulder-length black hair braided with green. Across his nose is a painted stripe of green, and of course, their crowns.

To Maddox's right must be the younger brothers, Væsna first — the Prince of Sloth — in a rumpled and creased pine version of the kings' doublet. His trousers look like they have shrunk slightly, or he has outgrown them as his ankles are clearly visible, as are his bare feet.

Next, Envy. Faustus' head is the only one constantly moving, looking through the crowd and assessing his siblings. He wears a simple doublet and breeches in oily black, but his jerkin is what truly catches any eye, a beautiful shimmer of colour sprays across the surface when he light catches it, the clasp appears to be made of a solid diamond as it twinkles in a similar way. Around his neck are enough jewels to sink a ship, or save several families from poverty. Perhaps a town. Though he has all this just on his persons, he still assesses others.

Shaking my head, I move down the seats, skipping over Ashervik so I need not worry about making eye-contact with that sick man. 

The final two, Kismet and Edmundo of Fury and Glutton respectively wear unassuming outfits in a similar black and green style, neither seem like they were particularly concerned about looking anything beyond presentable and in fashion. The frown on Kismet and nail that Edmundo chews on tells enough of their personality.

A small dog sits randomly on the Prince of Furies lap, so at odds with his nature. 

Gazing back over to Maddox, whom I have begun to consider a friend — if one not by choice to speak to me — or at least confidant, I am shocked to hear the King speak.

"Welcome, prisoners and courtiers. Today we will see stood for trial by ordeal only the worst in our company." To my right, mother scoffs.

The King's eyes and all his family might I add, snap straight to her. Her back goes straighter but other than that the attention fails to faze her.

Glaring, he continues, not moving from her face. "As I was saying, the worst and most vile creatures this land sadly has to offer, even in the Undercourt." Smiling, his arms spread wide and the trials begin.

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