Chapter One

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Georgiana (Georgi) p.o.v

Being a senior in high school was definitely a big achievement for me. If it wasen't for my friend Lorry I would have failed math so badly! I hate studying, who doesn't? The night before our big math exam he gave me all the possible answers there could be, and lucky for me I have a photogenic brain so I memorized all of them, and hare I am, passed and ready to move on.

I am lazy, to put is plain and simple. I live in sweatpants and hoodies. I almost never brush my hair and always wear it in a messy bun. I turning 18 in 3 mounths, which means I can finally get the piercings I want without having my dad bug me about it and never wanting to take me. And last but certainly not least, I'm a swimmer. I've been swimming all my life. Doing every competition I could and working my absolute but off. Getting a sports scolorship was the only chance I had to go a university.

My dad doesn't make a lot of money, and what he does have goes into my three younger siblings, of which all are boys. he has a 9 to 5 job. and he does some extra hours on the weekends. He was a builder. Which ment very tough working conditions. But he taught me everything I know. He taught me how to take care of myself. My mum passed away right after my last sibling was born. Cancer. 6 years ago and I still think about her everyday.

Since her death I did all the cooking, cleaning and whatever there was to do around the house. My brothers of 13, 8 and 6 help when they can. On the weekends I work in a little diner, to help my dad with some of the bills. I sweep floors, clean diches and take peoples orders. My life isin't exactly a fairytale, but I'm happy and that's all I could ever have asked for.

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