The Birthday Gift: Part One

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It was pouring with rain.

The houses on Spinner's End were all shut and barred. Visitors were rarely seen loitering.

And yet, there was one this very instant.

Albus Dumbledore, resplendent in emerald robes, walked up to the doorstep and knocked gently. Three times.

The door opened. The familiar face of Severus stared up a Dumbledore.

"Severus! What a pleasant surprise!"

Severus smirked. "Evidently not, Headmaster. Well then, what is so urgent for me that I am paid a visit from you?"

"This," said Dumbledore, handing Severus a small parcel wrapped in parchment.

"What is it?"

"You will find out as soon as you get in the house. And many happy returns, Severus. Good day!"

Severus stared blankly at Dumbledore as he walked off in the rain. He took a moment to compose himself, then closed the door, entering his living quarters.

Setting the parcel on the table, he opened it. He gasped.

Staring right at him was the ring. The cracked ring that Dumbledore had destroyed, costing him his arm. The cursed ring.

And yet, what was it doing here in front of him?

On the parchment was a few lines in Dumbledore's handwriting. Severus picked it up and read it, confused.

Dear Severus, on the occasion of your birthday, I would like you to have this. This ring will show you what you have yearned for. Take it and concentrate on her. Turn the ring three times in your hands. But a word of caution: take care to remember that what has passed, must still pass...

Severus knew who the 'her' referred to.

Slowly, he picked up the ring and turned it thrice in his hand.

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