The Birthday Gift: Part Two

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Lily was standing right beside him.

"H-hey, Sev," she said.

Severus could not believe his eyes. She looked as perfect as he had imagined. The hair, the body, and- and those eyes...

"Li-Lily," stammered Severus.

"Yup, it's me, Sev. How long has it been?"

"Long enough, Lily. I-I've missed you so much..."

Lily put a finger to his lips. "Shhh, Sev. I'm here. I'm here now."

Severus longed to hug her, to touch her and to tell her how much he loved her. But alas,

He could not. She was translucent and cold, but yet she seemed like the warmest, most human person to him now.

"I heard you're still Potions Master. How is Harry?"

The mention of Harry broke Severus's train of thought.

"Your son? A complete likeness of James Potter," sneered Severus. Then his expression softened.

"But he has your eyes."

"I know, Sev."

"Oh." Severus did not know how else to continue speaking. He wanted to say so much to her, but now that she was here, he was speechless.

"Lily, I just want you to know that- that I still love you. Nothing can change that feeling- my feelings for you. I've thought of you every night. I saw your body. I cried for you when you were gone, Lily- and I'm not boasting. I just want you to know how much I love you."

Lily's eyes were teary. As were Severus's.

"Oh, Sev! I've missed you too. More than you can ever imagine. But what's done is done... I wish I could have another chance..." Lily broke off, finding herself at a loss for words.

"I swear to you that I will protect your son, Lily. For you. Because I will always love you." "Expecto patronum!!"

The doe emerged from his wand, shimmering and cantering around the room. Then, it vanished as quickly as it had come.

Lily was astonished.

Severus smiled and said "Always. Always, Lily. You know that."

With a bright smile, Lily faded into thin air as Severus let go of the ring. He fell to his knees, weeping.

He could have sworn, however, that he heard the soft, beautiful voice of Lily say "Happy Birthday, Sev" ring in his ears.


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