Riley's Plan

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The Bridge was just that. A Bridge. Riley looked longingly across Sawmill Creek, into the dense wooded forest on the other side of the banks. The sun would be setting soon, and Riley needed to get home. He hopped onto his bike and began to peddle. A soft autumn breeze signaled what would undoubtedly be another cold Indiana winter. A long, cold, boring, normal Indiana winter. Riley cringed at the thought of having to spend another dreary winter in this forsaken dump he called his home town. Nothing every happened in Elham.

Elham was everything Riley resented, his big dreams couldn't be contained by Sawmill Creek. It could be contained by his severe lack of money. Riley pulled into his driveway, leaned his bike up against the side of the house, and went inside. His mother Susan was in her usual spot by the back window. She always had a copy of the latest celebrity gossip magazine close by, as she sipped on what was undoubtedly a rum and Coke. "Where have you been!?" she asked in a shrill tone that cut through an otherwise peaceful evening. "What's it matter to you? Shouldn't you be more worried about who the latest celebrity to cheat on their wife is?" Riley quipped in return. "Just like your father, always causing you were stealing." she slurred. Riley didn't have time for this. He knew tomorrow was a big day, he'd better get to bed. "Goodnight mother." he replied in the nicest tone he could muster. "Whatever." she replied.

Things had been like this ever since his father had left. The drinks, the fighting. Riley was nearly at wits end. He needed to get out of Elham, and his chance was finally happening tomorrow. College admissions decisions were due out, and when he got that scholarship, it was goodbye Elham, and hello parties, girls, drinks, and hell maybe even a degree. Who knew what it would be, but he'd finally get to cross the bridge out of Elham.  Riley slipped into a deep sleep, dreaming about his big, bright, Elham free future. Little did Riley know his life was about to change.

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