lorax (x reader?)

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emo music starts playing as you walk into a dimly lit bar at sundown.

You were looking to forget so you didn't have to forgive.

"Five shots" you said. Locking eyes with the bartender you added, "to start". You weren't looking to have a good time, but to get totally and completely wasted.

"That kinda day huh?" A stranger in a hoodie tried to start a conversation. You ignored him. "Me too" he added looking strait. Something intrigued you about him. Something mysterious.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the bartender slamming five small cups on the table in front of you. Within a couple of seconds you downed them.

"Damn okay I didn't know it was that bad" smirked the stranger. You were getting kinda tired of him so you said, "who the hell are you boy?"

He was taken aback.

You looked at him for the first time and fell into a trance.

He had smooth, orange fur, long, beautiful blonde mustache and vivid green eyes. His face fell back into that smirk and he he'd put his small hand.

"My name is the lorax" he winked. Why did I just blush?! I'm not here for love! But- its so- tempting

. "And you are?"

You couldn't seem to form words. The music started to die down and it was only the two of you. "N-not important" you managed. Let's change the subject... "what do you do for a living lor'?"

He chucked retracting his unshaken hand. "I speak for the trees"

before you could say anything, the bartender swooped in and added, "well I'm the oncler and trees are stupid" you saw as the Lorax' face got red with anger. He balled his fists. "You disrespect trees and I'll bite off your knees"

so brave.

So bold.

Damnit Lorax.

That basterd took your breath away.

I honestly have no idea what this is but here...I apologize for this but userisded and SunkissedChild5 made me post it.that'll be all

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