Harry poTaH one shot

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Hog warts.

The magical school of witchcraft and wizardry

The best wizarding school in all of the wizarding world.

I'm from America. The land of the "free" well only if you look a curtain way but I digress.

I made it all the way to London, made it through a brick wall, a whole train ride alone and then into the castle. I got sorted into y/h (your house) THEN made an actual friend. It's been quite the journey but I'm glad I have Olivia now.

I met Olivia in potions which we have together. She's super nice and is friends with EVERYONE. The other people in the class were Harry, Ron, Hermione, Draco, Goyle, and a few others. I only know their names because of Olivia. Their names were just about the only thing I knew about them.

Well now I'm on my second day at hog warts. End of potions class

"Class dismissed" called snape snapilly.

"Thank god" I said under my breath. Olivia's attention was elsewhere. She was aggressively staring down the golden trio.

"Earth to 'liv? You there?" I asked waving my hand in front of her face.

"O-oh sorry y/n. But someone was giving you looks during class." She said in a tone that could only be described as "😏".

I was very confused... I was just a subjectively cute new girl from a new country with an accent and the prop ability to be mysterious. Why would THAT attract anyone?


"WHO AND WHY?" I asked worriedly looking around.

"GASP you haven't met anyone yet OMIGOSH come on" she squealed as she dragged me off to the courtyard.


"What are we doing here Olivia?" I grumbled fixing the strap of my bag.

I didn't see anyone but then my friend pointed upward and I saw a blonde pale kid with... glimmering eyes and.. a contagious grin. Uhh anywayyyy

"Ladies?" He asked as he kept from the tree.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "This is malfoy, slytherin-"

The boy looked from Olivia to me to Olivia then back to me. "Pleasure" he flashed a heart stopping grin and nodded to me.

"So?" My friend asked smirking.

"I- I mean uh- y-you know-w I uh I-"

"Noted" she lead me down another corridor.

"Where are we goi-" I almost got out a sentence but got bumped into by some tall jerk.

"Hey watch were your going!" I said playfully, dusting off my robes.

"Awfully sorry luv," I looked up and saw a GORGEOUS face. Brown hair. Yellow tie, chArming smile.

"Hey aren't you" he paused "aren't you the new girl?"

Olivia cut in and mocked his smile "Yes she is Ced, so be nice!" She turned to me. "Let's go calico"

"Hey!" The boy yelled once we turned around to walk away. I basically spun on my heel to respond.


"Se you round newbie..." THEN HE WINKED!!!!!!

Once I caught up to Olivia I melted. "I mean wowza. What are y'all feeding these British dudes!!" It was more to myself but Olivia rolled her eyes.

"His name was Cedric diggory. 3rd year. Hufflepuff "

Well then


We turned a corner and spotted the golden trio.

"Ah yes these are out griffindor boys!!" She whispered gesturing to them.

"This is Ron weasley!" The red haired boy turned to me and smiled.

"And this one here, is Potter!"  The boy with the glasses turned to me and gave a nervous smile not quite meeting my eyes.

"Okay see y'all later!!" Cried my best friend. As soon as we were out of earshot she turned to me and excitedly whispered, "so you didn't hear this from me but... all the boys I just showed you have a deep intrest in you"

Yeah no. I was not having this. "Olivia really! Don't lie to me child."



"Absolutely." She paused. "Soooo who's the cutest?"

"OLIVIA!" She was basically shouting!

"C'mon pleeaaassseeee"

I honestly didn't know. I looked out the window and saw draco eating an apple . We locked eyes and he waved and winked. I looked toward the quiditch field and saw Cedric speeding around in his broom. The golden trio passed us just then and I took a good look at both potter and Ron. Gosh why is this so hard!

"Come on y/n, Draco, Cedric, Ron, or Harry?"

Wait. Isn't it obvious?! WHY DIDNT i THINK OF THIS BEFORE?!

"Tho be quite honest, the hottest to me is-"

Hey hoped you liked my ONESHOT. I got this strait from a tiktok KaitlynMarcus sent me.

It's my birthday today so that's great!!

Okay bai

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