I'm just saying

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Okay but hear me out

"Albus, Is it really a good idea to leave the boy in the care of these people?"

"Minerva, Harry will be happy here. He will learn all about himself and our world and the threats to said world."

"I've been watching them all day, there a bit..."


"I suppose so"

"Besides, they have a boy about his age. In this house he will make bonds and feel loved in ways he never would have elsewhere."

"What if they arn't able to support him."

"I'm sure the next time they go to Gringots, they will find a little more they they expected..." Albus gave a wink then motioned for Rubius to hand him the bundle.

"Yes, Harry you will me just fine here. Safe. Loved."

"Oi, I'll reckon e'll be at 'ogwarts in nine years!" Rubius said with excitement. 

"That he will" Agreed minerva with a worried look on her face.

"Goodbye Harry, and may I wish you the best of luck" Concluded Albus before giving the old oak door a firm knock and dissaperating out of sight.

Minerva took Rubius' arm and followed Albus, into the night.

"Coming, coming" A voice was heard amongst the silence of the dark. A sweet kind voice. A firm motherly voice.

"Hello?" Said the sweet voice questioningly. The old oak door creaked open and a sweet looking plump but strong, confident, pregnant woman looked out into the silence.

"Hm" The woman thought of her twin boys. Fred, and George. They loved to cause mischif even at the age of four. This may be one of their pranks. The woman started to walk away but heard a child's mumble from the ground. The woman would recognize a child's voice. She, after all had many. Her first, Bill, Was going to his first year of hogwarts this fall.

The woman looked down and saw a small child bundled in blankets. He was stirring. "Oh goodness, darling! You must be as cold as a- oh what was it Arther told me? Oh yes as cool as a pickle"

Muggle expressions didn't make much sense to the woman but she practiced them to appease her husband.

"Oh never mind. Let's get you inside dear" The woman didn't give it a second thought. She saw someone in need of help and helped them.

The baby began to cry. "Shshshshsh, Molly's here"

Now this is just an idea but if you guys want, I can make it into a series. 

Comment a moment in the books or movies and I'll recreate it from Molly's perspective based off of this beginning.

You could say: "morning before their first day" and i would write about how harry fit into the weasley family on that particular morning

I really like this idea and I wish Harry was actually put into this house. I hope you liked it

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