Main Story-The Two Years Promised

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'I wrote this two years after I made a promise, and I'd like to share my story with you, reader.'

The Names
~I am Hiro, it's not really my real name but I like to name myself 'Hiro'. It was my IGN(in-game name) 'cause I wanna live in the game more than this limited life. Anyways let's proceed.

I was in the sixth grade somewhere in Pangasinan, Philippines. It was lunchtime, my friends and I are in the canteen. Eating. After eating, my friends requested me to take their lunchbox back to their room. I felt like I was a slave. Not treating me a real friend. Sad? I know.

Well, so, I put their lunchbox to their bags, and when I went out, there is this girl who was too perfect, it's like she is an actress who is too famous around the world. She has talents I have none.

So, she went and asked me to write all of my classmates' names to the board and she'll copy it after. I felt important in a sec there.
So, I wrote some of the names of my classmates on the board. Afterwards, lunchtime was over. Everyone saw what I'm doing. They were surprised, shocked, and no one cares. The teacher calmly asked me to erase the board and write the names of my classmates on the back of my notebook. I wasted time. What a waste.

Oh! Did I tell you that we have two break times?

So, yeah... We have two break times, one is lunch and one is for the afternoon. So, I have finished all written down on a paper in my notebook. I ripped it off and gave it to her during the afternoon break.

After that, the feeling of importance suddenly disappeared.

My Conversation with the Perfect Girl
After that day, I began chatting with her through this social media called 'messenger'.

Didn't I tell her name yet?
Her name—let's call her MJ for short. So, MJ and I became close friends through technologies, but never in person.

One day, my friends and I played Cops and Robbers, so I hid under the Top Notch Board. Then, MJ was on the stairway. Sitting with her friends. I was too shy at that time.
She noticed me and called me, and I came towards her.

Yeah. We talked. We laugh. We also made physical contacts. Of course, we didn't kiss or something couple does, that would be weird, super weird. We just ranked the sizes of our hands. I was proclaimed as the victor for the biggest hand. Oh, in case you're wondering, yes, we touched hands. That impacts me from the inside. Her laugh, smile, eyes, attitude, she was perfect. but our sweet time was only limited. I was called to form a line with my classmates and get back to my class.

When I went home, we continue our conversation again. It was the longest.

The Seventh Grade
The seventh grade, the worse school year I had.
To begin with, my friends and I were still friends, three boys are new, and so many girls are new.
On the first day of the class, I wanted to move with my friends to the back seats, but I can't. I was surrounded by so many girls, one girl to my left is kind of...something.

A few days later, we've been changed seats. It was a pain on the butt.

The two freshmen boys were with us now. In exchange, they become addicted to online games. We are not the same as last school year. So, I asked what are they're playing, and I wanted to join them.
So, I joined them once at the computer shop, they taught me everything about the game, but I have lots to know. However, that was the last best-friends-bonding we had. Things got complicated those days forth.

After that day, I went to school. The aura was too different. What I didn't know is that they hated me.

Maybe you're asking, 'why—what did you do? Why are they mad at you so sudden? Did you bad mouthing them? Did you do something horrible?'

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