Part 27: Skurdulka's House

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Trigger warning: violence and strong language

As Chris rolled the Camry into the gravel driveway snaking through the forest up to Skurdulka's House, Storm kept waiting to see his dad's truck around the next bend. Storm held his breath while he and Chris bumped up the drive, the seconds seeming interminable.

But there was no one there.

Chris parked in front of the house, cutting the engine and letting silence fill the space. They looked sidelong at Storm for a moment. Storm couldn't be certain he knew what they were thinking, but he saw his own fears reflected in their gaze; If he shows up with the cops—what happens? To everything? To all of us?

Regret snaked up Storm's spine and settled in his heavy shoulders as he stepped out of the car. I should've stayed away. I'm putting everyone in danger.

As Chris and Storm stepped up to the house, dry grass and gravel crunching under both of their sneakers, the front door opened. Ari stood there, their long black hair falling like a mantel over their shoulders, their deep brown eyes scanning them both.

"I'm glad you're home. You both all right?" they asked.

Storm gave a tight nod. "Has he been here?"

Ari shook their head. "Not yet."

Chris half-shrugged. "Maybe he won't show up. Maybe he was bluffing. Do you really see him talking to the cops?"

Storm took a breath. "I dunno. I..." He looked up at Ari, the quiet, controlled concern in their amber-brown visage. "I can't stay here. If he does bring the cops, then everyone—"

"Storm." Taking a step, Ari laid a hand on his shoulder. A pang of guilt shot through Storm's chest. He felt his expression break, barely blinking back tears. Ari pulled him gently against their chest, their arms wreathing his shoulders. "This is your home. Everything's going to be fine."

With a steadying breath, Storm nodded. Stepping back, they looked up into Ari's face. "Are you sure?"

With a small smirk, Ari raised one eyebrow. "Have you forgotten where you are?"

Storm shook his head a bit, confused. "Huh?"

That strange smirk climbed. "This is Skurdulka's House."

Chris snickered as they stepped inside, but Storm hesitated. He hadn't forgotten. Ari was a reasonable person, Storm had no doubt of that. But Skurdulka wasn't. And that scared him.

"Come on." With a gentle hand on Storm and Chris's shoulders, Ari led them both inside. "Chris is right, he was probably bluffing. He probably won't even show up."

Heather and Lee were already in the living room, both of their heads popping up as Ari, Chris and Storm returned.

"Everything okay?" Worry strained Heather's expression.

"Yeah." Storm tried to sound assured. "It's all good."

Ari closed the thick doors behind them and twisted the lock. "Just so we're clear, no one opens this door except me or Willow. Okay?"

Storm scanned the living room, but saw only Heather and Lee. "Willow's here?"

"Willow's here." She leaned on the archway to the kitchen, holding a dewy glass of lemonade. Her gold and red sundress swayed like hibiscus petals as she ventured into the foyer. Her black-lined eyes were framed in gold, sparkling as she studied Storm. "You okay, hon?"

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