Skin Deep (boy x boy)

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*Alec P.O.V*

I ran through the dark forest, leaves crunching under the bottom of my vans, twigs snapping and whipping past my face. I was running away, away from him, from my step-dad...and from...him. 

Don't you just hate it when you love someone, and you know that you never have a chance with them...ever?, your friends convince you that you are good enough, but you know it would never happen, but it doesn't hurt to pretend... Of all people, I had feelings for James the semi-popular guy who teased me everyday, not in a bad way though, our school is quite open minded, nevertheless he teased me about being gay, made smooching faces at me, slapping my butt in the changing rooms when noone was looking and winked at me...alot. I was never hurt by his advances or public teasing, it was never a form of bullying, but his little antics made me like him even more than I should.

I ran.

Breathing laboured, my heart hammering against my chest, my lungs on fire, I heard him whisper my name, he sounded so far but so close, and then his scent surrounded me, a soft caress down my spine as he breathed in my ear, I felt a slight tightness in my jeans and I closed my eyes. These dreams of him weren't helping.

*James P.O.V*

In the middle of a free period (english, ew) me and my 3  best friends, Kyle, Dylan and the tomboy Iris, were all making fun of "Romeo and Juliet" by attempting to recite it in slang. 

"Girl, you so fi-i-ine, babes I love you long time" Kyle said passionately making us laugh, "Boy you know you my baby daddy, you always buy my favorite brand of weave, the real indian thang" Iris said while smacking her tongue, and flipping her hair. At this Dylan and I are laughing our asses off and Dylan laughs until he cries, which makes me laugh even more.

"Awww, bunny sleeping," Iris says, diminishing our laughter, "huh?" I reply dumbly and follow her eyes to see Alec a few tables away from us, sleeping, his fingers twitching slightly. So cute...Ugh, I didn't like the weird attraction I had to Alec but I couldnt resist him, only Dylan knew how I felt towards Alec and he gave me a knowing look before starting conversation with Iris.

His brown choppy hair was sprawled across his face and I was tempted to move it tenderly, his head resting on his arm, squishing his face together and pushing his lips out, the snakebites on his bottom lip tempting me. I quickly scanned over his body, he wasn't scrawny, but he wasn't super muscular, to me was was the perfect build, right in between, while I was a bit muscular from doing sports. Sometimes I wonder how he looks without his clothes...

Before I could finish that thought, and most likely making myself..."bothered" in school, Alec jolted a wake from the dream he was having which i found funny, but the way he looked at he stopped me in my tracks. His hair was whipped around his face, and his green eyes sexily looking at  me, his lips were raw and pink from his habit of biting them, and after looking further down i saw the not-so-slight bulge in his pants.

A blush travelled up my neck and was probably covering my entire face, the hungry look he gave me had me shocked. Was he dreaming about me? Was he doing something dirty with me?...Di-Do-oes he w-want me?

Alec then subconsciously licked his lips and yanked on the neck of his shirt, probably because of the heat,...probably...He still hadn't taken his stare off of me and dirty images flashed to my mind. I thought of us after gym in the locker rooms, him under me, my hand down his pants, him calling my name out...licking my neck while I...I NEEDED TO SNAP OUT OF IT. I felt an all too familiar discomfort in my pants and from the smirk on Alec's face, he realised it too. I whipped my head around to my friends, in deep conversation, trying to stray my mind from such wrong things. 

In my frustration, a figure walked past me, and I looked up to see Alec walking past me, out of the classroom, while trialing his finger on my arm, causing goosebumps to form. What is he doing to me?

*Alec P.O.V*

I walked to the bathroom in hopes of fixing my...problem. I burst into the empty bathrooms and splashed water on my face, What is wrong with me?, In school?, Seriously! I stood there taking in my appearance in the mirror and licked my snakebites, loving the tingling sensation it gave me. 

The door smacked open, startling me and I looked to see James at the door looking flustered. "Y-you okay?, looks like you have a fever," We both knew that he didn't have a fever, but nevertheless, I walked up to him, pressing my cool wet hand onto his forehead, and onto his neck, slowly dragging my hand away subconsciously. James' eyes appeared a shade darker, his body tensed and a guttural groan emitted from him. His hand shot up to keep mine in place and he took deep breaths, avoiding looking at me. 

This was awkward.

I tried too gently pull my hand away, but seeing his facial expression, which was basically a sex face wasn't helping my "problem", I rested a hand on his hip to use as an anchor to help me pull my hand away but the presence of my hand caused his to yank me towards him and our bodies collided.


The wind flew out of the both of us, our erections hitting each other though our jeans. Our eyes locked, and our breath mingled together. Being stupid me, I tried to pull away again, causing friction between us and moans came from the both of us. James flipped our positions and held me against the restroom door, locking it, using his hand to hold my two thin wrists in his hands, and he pressed our bodies closer together, and I couldn't help but respond. 

I slowly started to grind on him, monitering his reaction, and after about 2 minutes of eye contact, he  slammed his face onto mine and crashed our lips together, slightly sucking on my snakebites, making my body tingle, and in return I yanked on his hair from the pleasure while he nibbled on my lip. He was going to be the death of me. 

I swear.

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