Oooh Gods of the Ocean! 1

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Things started normally but then the divers came and started talking. It was strange when their voices came from everywhere all at once. They were loud and their voices hurt my ears, they must've given Synris a headache since he continued to try and bury his head in something.

He gave up and just pushed his head against my chest. I held his hands over his ears, suffering more myself, as we sat on my rock and watched the divers.

They finally noticed Synris. It took them awhile, but they figured out their volume was what was causing us pain. They fixed it then, but it was still loud. It at least wasn't painful, so it was okay.

They fed us like normal and then they just kind of messed around. Mostly they swam around and made noises, talking but we couldn't understand.

"What do you think they're doing?" Synris asked me, still laying on my tail with his face in my stomach.

"If I knew I'd tell you," I continued playing with his hair as the divers started talking again.

There were more voices than divers now. It was odd. They paused here and there as if waiting for an unheard answer. Synris noticed too but we stayed put as neither of us knew where the other voices came from or why they paused, continued, paused. They stayed by the clear wall above us too.

They offered us food again finally. Synris was hungry, as always, and wasted no time in swimming to the divers and taking his food. He was already eating when he looked up and saw all the humans in the area between our watery cages.

He didn't bother to stop eating and just curiously stared at all of them. I on the other fin saw them before I got food and instead of eating, I went and hid in the bottom of the watery cage. A few separate times they tried to get me to go up into view of the clear wall, but I wouldn't. I wasn't going to be some show for the humans, being their captive here was bad enough. Synris' playfulness was enough to cover for us both anyway.

He obviously enjoyed playing with the human through the clear wall, he messed with the divers to get reactions from them as well. He was having fun, so I didn't bother him, and I just stayed put in the sand. I saw the hands of a few that Synris put his hand against the clear wall to meet, I also glimpsed a few smaller faces and assumed they were probably young humans, offspring.

It felt like hours before the divers left. They left my food for me and let Synris play by the clear wall as they left us. It was another long while before Synris finally moved away from the wall, all the humans leaving for some reason as the lights were dimmed to mimic the night cycle.

Synris came down. "Ayrice?" he called.

"I'm right here," I looked up at him as he smiled and came down to me.

"I know you're not one for socializing, but it really wasn't that bad. Only the divers can touch you and you know they won't unless you touch them first," He was already trying to convince me to play with the humans next time.

"I know..."

"Alright......let's make a deal." He smirked.

"Okay..." I knew this was as close to a choice as I was getting with him so I might as well hear it out. I might actually get to pick the lesser of two terribles this way.

"You can either go up and at least sit where the humans can see you or you stay out of sight and never be bothered about it again, from me at least, but you have to be my mate." He put his arm over me, smirking.

I thumped my tail and looked away from him. What was worse? Entertaining humans who knows how often or letting Synris have his way with me? Honestly, I'll never admit this to him but, he can sometimes make being touched pleasant... And it was better than be living doll for humans to ogle and gawk at all day

"............Be your mate..." I mumbled, sighing a bit because no I didn't enjoy either activity but entertaining him felt less like slavery.

He was surprised. Synris thought I would've chosen to entertain the humans. If he had asked me a month before I would have, but after giving in to him so many times now and knowing I would have to give in to him still it was easier to give into him and not deal with humans than it was to deal with both.

"Alright...when do you want to uphold your end then?" He finally asked, eying me suspiciously as if I might be the one pulling some trick.

"Can I eat first?" I mumbled again, hungry after a full day of no food because of humans.

He nodded and got my food for me. He let me eat and then.... well you can fill that in yourself... If you must know it... It wasn't bad. I will admit, the idea that I was his and he was mine reassured me. This would never have happened in the ocean. In fact, I likely would have been killed for it but... We were never getting out of here, I wouldn't admit it, but I knew it then already.

I did not want to move the next day and when Synris tried to get me up to go eat he got a tail fluke to the face. So, with a huff he left me to keep sleeping in the sand.

He brought my food to me and let me nibble on it, though I pushed it away soon as I simply didn't have the appetite.

"Ayrice what's wrong with you? You need to eat," Synris puffed, sitting beside me as the divers started messing with their voices again. They came from all around and source-less voices joined them. It was still so odd.

"Not hungry." I pushed at the sand until I was facing away from him and able to curl up in a hole I'd made.

"Are you really that upset?" He almost sounded worried about me.

"Tired." I was giving short replies, hopefully getting my annoyance across to him. I just wanted to sleep.

He stayed beside me and started massaging my shoulders and back.

"Sleep then, I'll keep you safe today," He whispered reassuringly to me as he continued to slowly massage my back, coaxing me to sleep in the warm sand.

For a few moments I felt like I was safe. Really safe. Keeping my eyes closed I could imagine being with him in the shallows of a hidden, tropical island where we could be mates and be left unbothered to enjoy our days together freely. I knew it was only a fantasy but a sweet dream it was for me...

Synris didn't need to try to win here. In no time I was completely relaxed in the sand, sleeping off my aches and uneasiness.

When I woke up, fresh food was waiting for me and Synris was a few fins away from me, brushing his hair out with a comb he'd made. I stretched and sat up before lazily moving to lay on his tail. I was still sleepy and honestly didn't want to do anything besides sleeping more.

"You've slept all day Ayrice, eat something won't you?" He asked, clearly concerned. It was never good when a mer wouldn't eat.

I groaned and just stayed put. I didn't feel like food. I wanted to sleep.

"Fine.........go back to sleep," He gave in as he started brushing my hair.

He finished before I sprang up and wrapped my arms around his neck, making us both fall into the sand as I giggled at him.

"Hey!" He held me but looked confused. This was certainly out of character for me, even I knew that, but I just felt needy in the moment.

"Not even a kiss? I would expect a 'How did you sleep, my dear?' from you but not even a good morning kiss? I feel so loved," I teased him.

Although it made me uncomfortable, I know he liked things like this just like he enjoyed touching and being touched and he practically lived for company. It wouldn't kill me to compromise a little. That's what friends were supposed to do, especially as mates.

"I'm terribly sorry, my dearest. Allow me to make it up to you," He smiled and gently kissed me.

I hesitated before kissing back. He was gentle and sweet with me before pulling away. I almost didn't want it to stop.

"So, my dearest, how did you sleep?" He did a deep and dramatic gentleman voice I couldn't help but to giggle at.

"Fine, thank you for asking," I was still giggling in his arms as he smiled and kissed me again.

"I'm happy to hear that~" Synris smiled.

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