About the Author

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Hi guys! This is your not so favorite ForthBeam fanfic author, yourBombshell!!!

Welcome to #BombshellVerse!!!

I decided to create this book so I can share my thoughts behind the creative decisions I made with my works and will act as a supplementary commentary to my books. Also, I will use this book as a vehicle to comment on some issues relating to my ship, ForthBeam, their career, and other relevant issues.

But first order of business, I am writing this for you to get to know me more so you have insight on why I do what I do and how my thought process goes.

Let's start with the basics shall we?

[♡] I'm Filipino and currently residing in our capital, Manila, Philippines specifically where it is poor and it is sad but we always see the silver lining, Tondo, Manila! Haha!🤣🤣🤣 If you're not familiar with that line, it's Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray's winning answer. It's become a running joke when we introduce ourselves that we are from the Tondo district.

[♡] I'm gay. I've known it since I was 9 years old. Though my elder sister claims they already knew about it as early as 5 years old. Haha! There wasn't really that much of a struggle on my end in terms of my identity. I just woke up one day and just told myself--I'm gay!

But even though I'm gay, I'm one of the boys. I have more male friends than female even gays. I relate to boys more than girls in the general view of things. But in the matters of the heart, I'm more akin to a woman.

But I have since matured from the princess mindset--to be treated like a girl. I've endured many heartbreaks which gave me numerous wisdom in life. Now, I prefer to be with more intelligent men who treats me equally.

[♡] I'm a registered Chemical Engineer. And yes, I went to engineering school. So I am quite familiar with environment and culture inside an engineering school. It's a boys world.

But in my major, chemical engineering,  half of my class are girls, then we have the most gays in any major. The same thing with industrial engineering (Kongpob and Arthit's major), sometimes girls even dominate their class. The least one with girls is mechanical engineering with only at least one per class. We didn't have SOTUS though considering that hazing is a hot topic here in our country.

Chemical Engineering is a broad field so I worked in a number of industries:
- Industrial Cleaning
- Flexible Packaging Plant
- Petroleum Refinery
- Power Generation and Distribution

But even though I'm an engineer by profession, my skillset is mostly related to communication and legal affairs. It's my main function as an environmental engineer. I also handle relationship with our stakeholders e.g. the community.

[♡] I'm a dancer... Well a student dancer. I don't claim that I'm good but I try to be when I'm in class. It's my primary art form, writing is only second.

I was a dancer in high school. Then I stopped when I was in college since I focused on being part of Student Council with only a handful of dancing engagements as a member of the cultural club. I only returned to dancing in 2017 when I first enrolled in an Adult Beginners Class.

My first genre is Femme/Sexy. Yes! #PokpokIsLife! This is my foundation and the main style that developed my confidence in dancing. The thing is about Sexy classes, the more you look like a slut, the better you are. It's really more for empowerment and really feeling good about your body and yourself.

From Femme, I levelled up to Jazzfunk. By textbook definition, Jazzfunk is Jazz + Hiphop + sass. But the best way for you to have an idea what Jazzfunk is... look at a Britney Spears video. That's Jazzfunk, starting from I'm A Slave 4 U. It's my preferred genre right now. I love the challenge.

Starting January 2018, I focused in training Hiphop. It culminated in a dance concert with my chosen Hiphop coach. Afterwards, I ventured out to other coaches and I've been training with them ever since.

Starting July 2018, I refocused in Jazzfunk and started with Contemporary classes. I also levelled up from Hiphop to Urban.

I still have loads of dance styles I want to learn like Dancehall, Popping, Locking, House, and cultural dances.

Also, in my dance journey, I developed my own style, it's called Bombshell style! It's the source of my username here in Wattpad. Hehe! Basically, when I dance in Bombshell style, it just means I dance the choreography in my own flavor.

[♡] I'm a TaeTEe shipper. The only ForthBeam in my world is TaeTEe. Fight me! Haha!

I support both Khun Luang and Khun Ying together and even apart. I had no qualms when I learned they have seperate projects together. Because I want them to grow, they can do that if they have many projects together or alone.

They are one of the reasons why I am writing because they inspire me to write. That's why I will never write about other couples more passionately like I write about ForthBeam.

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