As a Wattpad Reader

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I first came to Wattpad on February 2018. It was a dark time for me. So far, I consider it as the lowest point of my life. Though I was dancing every weekend, it was not enough to relieve the stresses of my work week. It was really a struggle to wake up each day and face everybody else's shit with no control over what I need and want to do.

It was then that I started to read the 3 books of 2Moons. I remember skipping work and just reading the books repeatedly all day. So yeah, I think I read it about 10 times already in total. This is also the time that I realized that I'm into ForthBeam. At that time, I was really not a fan of Khun Luang and Khun Ying. It's only after I switched to reading fanfictions that I became a fan.

In retrospect, if 2Moons2 was released before I began reading ForthBeam fanfics, I may have watched it. But I have grown accustomed to reading the hunky mocha-skinned Alpha wolf with a gummy smile and the fair-skinned handsome flawless dude with an angelic smile. Between you and me, there's only two people who fit those description. Plus I had my second run through of 2Moons and it cemented the fact that TaeTEe is ForthBeam in my world.

At first, I read every ForthBeam fanfics that I can get a hands on. You name it, I probably read it. I'd rather read those fanfics, even the ones written in broken English, than go to work. Haha! That's how dreadful it was back then.

I've read mostly fluff since that technically is the crux of BL literature. But there are those who can combine smut with rivetting storytelling of angst, violence, torture, and drama. You can only count fics that I read in those crossroads of genre.

Since I resigned from my work, I've sort of refocused on my passion for dancing and writing. So to facilitate this, I made one ground rule to make things in order. I needed to set it or else I'll just be reading all the time.

[♡] I'll only read ForthBeam fanfics or selected fics involving Forth or Beam or both.

That said, since I had more free time, I became more selective of the fics I read. I've set a criteria if I will read a ForthBeam fanfic or not or drop it all together.

[♡] I won't read it if it doesn't have a proper title or synopsis.
- In my view, the author not putting in a proper story title and/or synopsis is a sign of laziness. Logic behind it? If the author is lazy in putting in some elements, I'm pretty sure that the storytelling will be lazy.

[♡] I won't read an author's work who requires the readers for likes, views, and comments to get the continuation.
- If the material is good, the likes, views, and comments will follow. No need to force your readers.

[♡] If a story is based from some source material, I expect that it's somewhat based on the canonical universe of the material with only some liberal interpretation on some of the aspects and/or extension of the mythos.
- I don't know how to explain this except by citing an example.
Disclaimer: I'm not saying this to malign the author but just to prove a point.

There's this 2Moons fanfic that based its lore in my most favorite TV show in the world, Charmed. It didn't sit well with me that the author made the whitelighters too powerful. They have elemental powers and a sword. This is absurd because it was eventually tackled in the Charmed comics that it was agreed that whitelighters will take a support role to witches as shown throughout the show. It even became a plotpoint in the comics when Leo reached for the sword forged for whitelighters, he sprouted wings. There was only one sword forged for the whole Charmed universe.

So seeing powerful whitelighters, even more powerful that their witch charges, left a bad taste in my mouth. I only lasted a couple of chapters and dropped it completely. It would have been fine if it was not packaged as a Charmed-fic. But it's a no for me since it was.

[♡] I don't read authors who write in short inadequate chapters.
-I've been an amateur writer since I was in college. I can easily discern thirst in clout when I see one. It's a technique to garner more views. More chapters = more views. This importance to have more views, results to less than stellar storytelling. Real Talk: Trash stories.

[♡] Though I did say that I will read a fanfic even if it's not written in a proper English, there's a threshold in which I will busy myself in trying to understand the narrative. It's a no-brainer to drop the fic if it's not comprehensible through its text and also in its logic.

[♡] I've read a lot of fluff stories but there's a set that really disgusts me. I call them the "VIRGIN TEEN GIRL PROBLEMS" stories. Ugh!
-I hate them because number 1, I'm not a virgin. Number 2, I'm not a teenager. Number 3, I'm not a girl. THESE STORIES ARE SO SHALLOW AND HOLLOW!!!

Forth was late with their date. Beam will cry and break up with Forth;
Forth placed blue ribbon on the gift. Beam likes yellow. Beam will break up with Forth;
Forth forgot to greet Beam good morning. Beam will get angry and break up with Forth.
Then majority of the story will be Forth trying to appease Beam.

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