Chapter one

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"We have taken the enemy's Intelligence."

"I sure did!"


"Fine: 'we' did,"

Bullets and rockets flew across the battlefield, scattering blood and body parts-or gibs, as everyone said-around the area. The screams of pain and hollers of battle-ready mercenaries were as loud as the gunfire, but one thing everyone could hear was the Administrator's announcement. Both RED and BLU Teams heard something different, one of triumph and one of dread and disappointment.

You couldn't help but grin as you sped and ducked under the rain of bullets from the RED Heavy, your two dogtags bumped against the RED's Intelligence, of which was hardly affecting your speed. You would shot that bald fatty later-after your Team won, of course.

Thinking about the BLU Team reminded you off the first time you signed the contract and joined the hidden war as the first female mercenary. Rules had changed since the Second World War (well, not for the Soldier's case), and your speed and agility got you in easily, albeit not when it came to fitting in. That took time, and weeks did it take indeed with a lingering distrust of other nations in the other eight men. The war really did influence a lot.

Your train of thoughts was quickly shredded apart when you felt something colliding into you. Gravity shifted, dragging you back and throwing you against the sandy ground. Most of the falling impact was absorbed by the RED Intelligence of which was thrown off by it, but the fall was still strong enough to knock some breath out of you.

The disappearance of the rest of your breath was due to your counterpart, the RED Scout. He lay about a foot away, and you felt a mix of scorn and adoration-well, mainly scorn, for he didn't fly backwards-when you noticed him. He groaned and forced his arms to prop himself up, looking back at you. For a brief moment, his grey-blue eyes locked with yours. It was clouded with a mix of emotions, making it unreadable. Was it hate? Or maybe anger?

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