Chapter 5

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Oh, for the love of the Fourth Wall," you sigh, "get out; I'll meet you in a couple of minutes."

He gets it; you know he does, because his gaze flickers to your chest for a split second, and you know he is doing that on purpose.

You blush softly, pushing him out and locking the door behind him. As you pull out a set of your uniform, you can hear him from outside: "Broads these days..."

In several minutes, courtesy of rushed movement and knocking on the door, you're done and out. He leaves the support of the wall he was leaning on and grins, eyes surveying the feminine version of his class's uniform you wear. "Ya gotta try harder if you wanna be as sexy as da pro Scout, toots,"

You rolled your eyes, tugging at the hem of your shirt to emphasise your next few words; "I think this is plenty tight,"

"You said it, toots, s'a eye candy dat's as good as mine." he chuckles with a wink. "But 'nuff's comparin' who's da best, we got trainin' ta do; race ya out!" Before you can speak, he dashes down the hallway, leaving you to follow behind with equal speed.

"Hey toots, keep up, dere's somethin' I want ya ta see!" the Scout calls ahead of you, waving a lean arm in attempt to catch your attention. The way he double jumps backwards taunts you.

You are panting by the time you reach him, having been running after him for some time for no rest. He tut-tuts at your stamina and tosses over a can of Bonk! as he pats your back.

"We gotta work on ya stamina sometime," he comments, arm rising up to sling around your shoulders. You pay that no heed; too busy catching your breath and drinking the radioactive drink to bother. The speedster continues, nudging you along; "Anyway, fun fact 'bout us Scouts: secrets and shortcuts."

"Secrets and shortcuts..." you echo, nodding slowly.

The Scout smirks in approval, even though this is not his first lesson with you. He leads you along low hallways, through unnoticeable and uninteresting gaps and alleys, even air vents around the area. Every now and then you sneak a glance back, telling yourself to remember the route should you get lost. The Bostonian, on the other hand, seems to have no difficulty as he breezes through the confusing passageways, all while striking up a one-sided conversation.

" should've seen da other guy, he was all bloodied and bruised and crying like bloody murder." The runner ends off with a dark, almost malicious chuckle. "Oh! Did I tell ya 'bout da time somebody wrote me outta character? Ain't fun not being da awesome guy I truly am; sure, still had da looks, but da personality? Nope,"

"Mm-hmm," you hum, more focused on the surroundings above and behind and trying to remember them than listening to Scout. He does not seem to notice your lack of a proper response, but you do not notice his soft smirk as he walks around you.

"You know toots, f' a broad, you sure do better dan I expected." he remarks casually from behind you as you explore the current room-it is unsurprisingly small with a few boxes littered around; there is a table against the wall, too, but what catches your attention is the lack of machinery you always absent-mindedly saw around the place. It almost seemed like this room was planned to be used as an office or whatnot. You walk forward, tracing the wall of faint and peeling paint gently with your fingertips in awe. Not a speck of dust, strange.

You stare at your clean fingers as you turn around. "Hey, Scout, what was this room used-!"

Warm lips pressed against yours eagerly, hungrily, and you are too surprised to pull away or push the speedster away. Even if you were not, you would not have been able to; he has his body pressed flush against yours. Although he is sudden, he is gentle; you can feel yourself giving in as he tilts both his and your head, spindly fingers caressing the locks of your hair. You shudder when he slides his tongue along your lips, asking for entry, almost demandingly so as he persists.

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