Chapter 7- help

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I didn't know what to say or do once we got home so i just went to bed. i sat down on a comfy chair and looked out the window. Thinking about everything that had occured. i needed girl talk. my favourite cousin Elena always knew what to say to help me. after 3 rings someone answered the phone but it wasn't Elena.
"Um? Hello? Im Ashley Elena's cousin. where is she and who are you?"
"Oh, I'm Luke Elena's boyfriend. she is in the shower right now."
"Oh..could she ring me back at some point then..."
"Yeah i will tell her you rang"
Perfect. my only hope of being able to talk it out was gone and he had a boyfriend! Luke. he seemed okay on the phone but i dont know. something about him screamed dont trust him. well we will see.

***1 hour later***
I suddenly felt really thirsty and craving coke (not the drug people!) and needed to have some. the only problem with having it would mean i would have to face Danny. i wasnt sure what was going to happen now. with the whole "us" thing. i got myself up and walked down the stairs. Danny was in the kitchen making a sandwich. I was about to go back upstairs when he spoke.
"I thought you were going to bed"
"I-I cant sleep."
"Oh well do you wanna watch a movie?" I couldn't say no exactly could I it would seem as though i hated him because he opened up to me. "sure"
We walked in the living room and he put a DVD into the DVD player. "divergent okay with you?"
I sat on the couch and put my feet up snuggling into the arm on the sofa.
"What?" I said Danny had been staring at me for the past 10 minuets.
"Nothing..your just distant. i know things might be different now because i told you about my cancer and how it takes over sometimes but i dont want us to end or for us to be distant."
He started yelling halfway through the sentence.
"Im sorry...its a lot for me to take in."
"I know Ashley but it makes me mad that you look at me differently!!"
"Well i need time! I cant just be like oh yeah okay cancer,whatever!" We were both yelling now.
"Fine but I'm still bloody mad!"
"Why because i cant just let this blow over! Because i fucking care!"
"No! I'm mad because i love you!"
"Oh....well...i love you too"
Silence. no one spoke. no one even breathed loudly. until my phone began to ring.
"I-i better ta- take that.." I never stuttered like that. I ran to my mobile. it was Elena finally!
"Hey girl! Havent spoken to you in forever!"
"Hi, yeah... i need to talk to you"
"Whats up?"
I told the whole story to Elena including the bit that just went down.
"Oh! Wow! This seems like quite the mess. He sounds great. you cant let him go Ashley. he obviously loves you. you cant let him slip away."
"I know, but i dont know how to talk about him anymore."
"You just need time. its a lot to take in and your still young."
"Yeah...anyway, what about your lover then! Luke wasnt it?" I said laughing
"Oh shut up! He is so nice and kind and fit as fuck!"
I laughed so loud at the end bit and so loud there was a knock on the door.
"One second" i yelled at the door.
"Elena i gotta call ya back!"
"Okay babe. byeeeeeeee"

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