Chapter 14- Walking on Air

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It had been 2 days and i hadn't eaten or spoken to anyone. i decided i needed some girly advice from Elena.
"Hey! Ash! Whats up hows mr hottie?"
With that i burst into tears.
"Was it something i said?" Said Elena
"No, we broke up" i spoke through my sobs.
"Oh babe! When, why?"
"He told me that we weren't meant to be and it would never work and all that bullshit! He then came running back to me telling me he was wrong"
"What did you do?"
"Told him to piss off" i was now crying even more. this was such a painful phone call.

I could hear her crying while she told someone about what happened on the phone. i wanted so badly to run into the room and kiss her and tell her i was wrong. i dont even know why i did it! Why did i break her heart! Too many emotions i guess. i want to make this right...
"Bye Elena" said Ashley into the phone, i could hear from behind the door. As soon as i heard the call end i ran into the room.

"Bye Ash, i hope things get better"
"Bye Elena" i ended the call and sighed. just as i put the phone on my desk Danny burst into my room. "Danny? What are you doing go a-" as i was about to finish my sentence he kissed me. with passion. it was amazing, but i needed to know why. i pushed him away
"Danny? Why?"
"I love you okay Ashely! I know ive said it before but i thought it wasn't real but when i realised it was i freaked out! Please take me back!"
"Danny i-"
"I know i dont deserve it..."
"I was going to say that i love you too" i looked down at my feet. Danny's hand then touched my chin and made me look up. i wrapped my arms around his neck and he held my waist then we made out. passionately for like 30 minuets. it was amazing knowing i had my Danny back. i really did love him...

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