Chapter 12- Complications

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It had been 2 days after being told that Danny had gone into remission, and he had suddenly become really distant. I didn't really know why but i didn't want to ask because he might become even more distant. He was always on his phone and never spoke to me, it was really worrying.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, why?"
"You seem.....distant"
"What do you mean?"
"You never talk to me anymore, and your always on your phone?"
"I'm talking now"
"You know what i mean"
"Its nothing Ash, i promise"
I knew it was a lie and i wanted to know what he was up to.
"Tell me. im not stupid"
"Ashley. Just stop, this is not gonna work if you wanna know everything about me every time im slightly distant"
"Danny, im worried..."
"Ashley just stop. i dont need you worrying about me."
"Sorry.." i could feel tears welling in my eyes and i needed to get away. i went up to my room and cried silently for thirty minuets. i pulled myself together and looked at my phone. i had a text from Tyler.

Hey Ashley!
Wanna come mine tonight with me, Jayce, Jessica and Naomi? Text when you see this <3

I text back straight away.

Hi Tyler! Sure thing. i could do with a night out! Pick me up at 5? Taa x

I put a kiss on the end because i knew he wouldn't mind. we were friends after all. i began to get ready.

***2 hours later***
I went downstairs and went to the kitchen, i grabbed a glass quickly and filled it up with tap water. Danny came up behind me and kissed my shoulder.
"Yes babe"
"What ya doing"
"Kissing my gorgeous girlfriend"
"You have ignored me for two days and suddenly im wearing something cute and you come and kiss me"
"Ashley..." he spun me around and kissed my lips. when we pulled away he looked into my eyes.
"Ash, i need to tell you something, its important"
There was a knock at my door.
"I better get that, i think its Tyler"
"Okay, i will tell you later"
I walked to the door and there stood a handsome looking Tyler.
"Hey Ash! You look lush!"
"Thanks! Bye Danny! Talk to you later"
"Bye Ash, if you need me to pick you up text me"
I shut the front door and we made our way to the car we spoke and sang My Chemical Romance songs super loud. we got to Tyler's house and it was quiet.

***1 hour later***
"Guys, you wanna play spin the bottle!?" Said a slightly tipsy Jessica
"Yeah gurl!" Said Jayce
we all sat in a circle and found an empty beer bottle.
Jayce spun the bottle and it landed on me. great. we stood up and kissed he tried to deepen it but i didnt let him. it was weird kissing Jayce, i thought of him like a brother not a love interest.
Jessica spun next and landed on Tyler, they kissed and it kind of hurt me. i didnt like Tyler. or didnt think i did. No, Tyler was just a close friend. i was just being protective, yeah, protective.
"Ashley, your go" when i spun the bottle it landed on Tyler...dear me.
"Ty, get in there!" Jessica said
"Go on Ty!" Screamed an extremely drunk Naomi. We both got up and throughout the girls yelling for him to "get in there" and all, he just looked at the floor, embarrassed almost.
"You okay Tyler, its only a game, we dont have to.." just as i was going to add something else to my sentence Tyler kissed me. it was amazing. i felt something, like a spark. but i couldnt! I was with Danny, im not a slut who kisses a load of people and feels something for them!
"Woooooo! Get in there Tyler!" Yelled Naomi
"I told you he liked her!" Whispered Jessica but just loud enough so i heard.
"What?" I pulled away
"Nothing, Jessica stop saying things you dont mean" Tyler was looking extremely unconfetable now.
" it true?"
"No. no! I promise i dont feel anything for you!"
"Okay...Ty.....calm down"
"No i cant because Jessica has ruined everything!"
"I wanted to tell you myself!"
There was silence. it was extremely unconfetable.
"I'm going to ring Danny and get him to pick me up"
"I will take you! I need to talk to you anyway"
We walked out to the car and didnt speak, it was extremely awkward for the both of us. As we pulled up outside my house Tyler spoke.
"Look, Ashely. i do like you. i wanted to be the one to tell you but Jessica did it for me. anyway, i just wanna know something, do you like me back."
"Ty...i like you as a friend not a-" before i could finish he was kissing me. properly this time.
"Tell me tomorrow and if you feel the way i do then i will take you on a date. please, just text me"
I got out the car and made my way up the drive. i could see Danny looking out the window. i opened the door and stepped inside
"Who is that?"
"so do you like him"
"Only as a friend. he likes me."
"I have to tell you something"
"I want to break up..."
"But..Danny! Why?"
"We aren't right for each other, it was a bad Idea from the begginging"
"This is why you have been distant"
"Ashley, we can be friends but not lovers" i ran upstairs and cried into my pillow for hours until i fell asleep...

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