My Missing Piece

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I was born from clay and the blood of my mother,

Queen Hypolita.

I was the image of a goddess,

I overshadowed Aphrodite herself.

Within me laid a secret little knew of.

As I spent my days in the library of Alexandria. 

I found myself yearning for company. 

I walked through the clouds seeing the people below

I brought water down on those in Valley Forge

I fed those in labor camps with hope a relief

I fought alongside those in the Civil War

Only to find myself still yearning for company

Alas I decided to join the mortals

I assisted the Americans in reaching the moon

I helped the world come into the 2000s

But I continued to feel as though I were missing something

Finally I decided to become a mere human girl

As I grew up I found being mortal fun

I grew to like mortality and loath my former immortality

On my 12th birthday,I met a girl

This girl completed me and I no longer yearned for company

My mortal body is now 17 and I am happy

The girl I met is my most prized accomplishment

She makes me feel happy and like a god

As I now think back on all my achievements

I find becoming mortal and befriending this girl,

My greatest one.

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