The Fly In My Room

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This fly keeps buzzing around my room whenever I try to do almost anything

When I'm writing, they're circling around my head
When I'm playing my guitar, they dance to the music I struggle to play

When I'm just chilling on the couch watching some movies or videos of airheads online
There goes the fly, soaring around my room like it's nothing

Countless times I've tried to get rid of them
Spraying, smacking, even shooing them away
They still somehow stick around

Sure, I could get a fly trap, or double check if my windows are closed shut all the way
But that takes work.

Funny thing is
I've gotten accustomed to the fly hanging out everyday

They don't always mean harm
They stick around when I'm all alone in my room, listening to any story I have to offer

And isn't that something we need after awhile, just a bug flying around your room until you appreciate its company

They were never scary in the first place, especially after getting to know them.

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