1. Everyone

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Ayla pins two sections of her sleek black hair behind her ears, the tiny braids scattered throughout her hair getting stuck in her hoop earrings.

"I knew this top would look fucking badass," says Katie as she turns around to face Emily, gleefully showing off her tits. Emily holds a blue towel across her bare chest.

"Its mine," says Emily, her fiery red hair sticking up in all directions.

"Yeah, aren't you glad I made you buy it?" scoffs Katie, turning around to look at herself in the mirror. "Get dressed though, you're gonna be late". Emily looks defeated as she plops herself onto the bottom bunk.

Katie and Emily are ten months younger than Ayla. Emily sleeps on the bottom bunk, Ayla on the top and Katie across from them on the single bed. Technically Ayla should have gotten the separate bed considering she's the eldest but she knew there was no point putting up a fight against Katie.

"I don't know where you got this thong but it's properly cutting me in half" Katie chuckles to Ayla as she yanks at it gracefully.

"Do I look like I'd wear a thong?" Ayla replies as she carefully applies eyeliner. The three sisters are almost shoulder to shoulder in the small room which they share.

"Its mine!" says Emily "you could always give it back"

"Sorry. You know it doesn't look as good on you" Katie replies looking at Emily cunningly.

"Don't be a bitch Katie. Especially not today" Ayla says calmly without turning away from the mirror. "And I think the thong looks better on Ems anyways" she continues, stepping into a pair of flared black jeans and pulling on a cropped Lacoste polo. Katie looks at her disgusted and is about to say something before she hears Danny beep the horn outside.

"Hey cutie, I'm just coming," yells Katie out the window waving to her foul boyfriend down below. Katie turns back around and looks at Emily who hadn't even started getting dressed. "I'm telling you. College. First day. You need to get ready cos we're not waiting for you. And please don't dress as yuck as Ayla. Nobody can tell I'm related to her because we look so different but it's pretty fucking obvious I'm related to you so don't embarrass me" she says picking up her handbag and walking out the room.

Ayla looks completely different from her sisters. She is a fair bit taller, her lips are a lot fuller, her eyes are a yellowish-green and her hair is long and black. The only thing that is remarkably similar to her sisters is her smile.

"You look good in anything Ems," Ayla says as she starts to pack her handbag. Emily gets up and slowly rummages through the top drawer.

Ayla pulls out the college brochure and looks at the front which has a photo of a blonde girl with short hair and a friend of hers called Sophia chatting on the front. "Isn't that Naomi?" she asks, holding the brochure up to Emily and pointing at the blonde girl. Emily nods. "Finally gonna make your move this year then?" Ayla asks. Emily rolls her eyes at the fact that her sister seems to know everything.


A few minutes later the three girls and their little brother are walking out the front door. James walks up to Ayla with his hands on his hips.

"What about my packed lunch?" he demands. Ayla holds a banana up in his face.

"Fuck off" she replies. The little bastard had been watching her take a shower this morning. He snatches the banana from her.

"You shave your fanny with Dad's Gillette Mach3," he says snidely before running off to school with his backpack dragging along behind him. Ayla and Emily chuckle before their attention is drawn to Katie who is grinding herself against Danny to the loud music which bellows out of his car speakers.

Ayla raises her eyebrows in disgust and rumbles through her bag for a cigarette as they all get into Danny's car. She sits down in the back, rolls down the window and lights a cigarette.

"Oh my god you're fucking foul Ayla," says Katie aggressively turning around in the front seat to harass Ayla about the cigarette she had just lit. "Cigarettes are for homeless people and shit".

"Isn't that mostly heroin and meth?" Ayla replies.

"Just shut the fuck up please" Katie replies. Ayla finishes her cigarette a few minutes later and grinds the butt into the carpeted floor of Danny's car with her heel.


About 15 minutes later Danny pulls up to the front of the College with one hand on the wheel and the other down Katie's pants. The convertible car roof eases down as Katie and Danny snog goodbye for a ridiculous amount of time. Since the car was only a two-door, Ayla and Emily had to sit patiently in the back for Katie and Danny to stop snogging before they could get out of the car.

Eventually, Katie finished saying goodbye to Danny, opened the door and sped off towards a group of blonde girls who stood outside the front entrance of the college. Ayla pushed the seat forward and manoeuvred her way out of the car.

"Thanks for the lift, Danny. Hope you have fun with Sambo, Keeno, Jonno etc etc" says Ayla as she steps onto the pavement. Danny looks at her through his sunnies.

"Alls good babes". He replies. Ayla almost gags. Emily struggles out of the car and stumbles onto the pavement, thanking Danny also.

"Ems. You outta spruce up yeah. We're having a party at the premier travel lodge on Thursday. Party fun yeah? And the lads.. they love a twin thing ya know." Danny says to Emily as he laughs creepily.

"That's sweet of you Danny, can I get back to you on that" Emily replies sarcastically as she swings her bag over her shoulder and ushers Ayla towards the entrance and away from Danny.

"Bummer. Why didn't I get an invite!" Ayla snickers sarcastically as she and Emily walk towards Katie who is amongst a crowd of girls who are all loudly admiring Danny.

fuck you, peachy | skinsWhere stories live. Discover now