Momma Help!

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"MOOOMMMMMMMMMA!" I yelled crying at the top of my lungs.

My momma is a type of lady who drinks all day everyday. She doesn't care about me & my brother. Our father, yeah our real father not step or foster father real one. Anyways our father does nothing but put his hands on us & tries to rape me while I'm alone in the house with him while my mother out drinking her life away.

"What Mariah , what the fuck do you want? All you do is call my name." She says as she's walking towards me, bumping into wall from wall trying to hold her balance.

" Daddy put his hands on me again. & threw me against the wall & threatened to rape me." I said crying a river in the middle of the floor in my room.

"Your always lying on your father. You know what I don't even care I'm too drunk to worry about you & your father business. He's your dad. Your 16 , you listen to him no matter what. You little dumb bitch." She said as she slam my door as she walked out.

I started to look to see where my father threw my phone when he bursted in my room. When I found my phone I called my best friend "Anastasia" to see if I can stay at her house for the night soo I can go to school from her house.

"Ana?" I said sniffering.

"What happen babes? You okay?" Ana said concernly.

"Can I stay at your house tonight? My mom still drinking & not caring what my father did to me. He threw me against the wall & threatened to rape me. My mom on the other hand said she don't care I'm 16 I have to listen to my father no matter what he do." I said starting to cry again.

"Oh hell no best friend pack your shit & come stay at my house. Ain't no one putting they hands on you anymore I'm done with this shit." Ana said.

"Thanks Best friend , I Love You Sooooo Much." I said.

"Love you too babes." Ana said

(I hangs up)

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