Chapter 4

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I am aware there is A LOT of Ryder okay, but this is just process of showing there healing before I decide to yoink there happiness away, the next chapter will have the others in it more then now promise, but we vibe. Anyway smile, know you are loved and have a wonderful day 😊

"Alright Ryder, your legs seem to be healing rather nicely!" The doctor says with a smile, he wrote some things down on his clipboard Ryder just nods listening to the doctor closely

"We will do a quick X-ray just to be sure, but you are making a remarkable recovery" He tells her leaving the room Ryder just sighs as she gently rubs her legs, she's hoping she can walk soon... being stuck in a wheelchair is not fun and she hates not being able to do things herself and having to rely on someone to even get out of the bed in the morning. She's tired of hearing about how amazing of a recovery she was making for being crushed by rocks, it just reminded her of the tragedy, she was sick of it. The girls became well known as news spread fast about how we were taken and then found and how they miraculously survived for being hunted, and with Raine's book it became a popular thing. Ryder didn't mind the books hell even she read the books, but she hated the attention it would bring.

"Ryder follow me" Ryder nods as she begins following the doctor, she had gotten use to the feeling of moving the wheels, a year of pushing it has surely helped in that department, but the white halls became a huge bore to her. Seeing doctors for constant checkups and many surgeries to help repair anything that wouldn't be able to heal properly

"Alright let's get this over with" She just nodded letting the doctor do what he needed, she sat back and just sunk deep in her mind, her friends have been a big help even if they did force her into therapy but it was for the best and she knew that. She waited patiently when Skylar walked in giving her a slight wave as she handed the doctor something before leaving the room going back to her young patient from a few days prior, Skylar told the girls about the young girl and how she lost her parents in a tragic accident, the girl was put into foster care but comes to the hospital for checkups on her burns and cuts.

"Okay I will be back in a bit just stay right here" The doctor tells her leaving the room

"Like I can actually go somewhere without someone noticing" Ryder grumbles pulling out her phone and texting her friends, it sucked being separated but they all knew that if they didn't it would just be more difficult to get over what happened. Are they still worried of lily? Yes, very much so. But they are making progress each day to get over the tragic events.

--Flashback Ryders. P.O.V—

"Come on let's move... we need to find a spot so we can rest and get sleep... and I can see if maybe I can help with that leg" Skylar said, I simply nodded as I followed them each step was painfilled, I nearly bumped into Carson who stopped moving as the cliff side began to shake, a deep rumble could be heard

"What was that?" I was shocked hearing Raine's voice, she never talks anymore and is mostly mute hearing her small voice was something new

"Uh" I look at Carson confused before looking up slightly my eyes widen oh no

"Guys..." Skylar says her voice wavering

"RUN!" She yells as rocks began to fall, I push Raine in front of me making sure she is safe as we duck out of the way from the falling rocks, they where dangerously close to taking our heads off as we ran

"We can hide there!!" I hear Sky shout as she motions towards a cave up ahead, I try to keep up but my leg gives out and I slam into the ground, I don't register the pain at first but I feel the pressure as rocks fall on me, I try to scream but its like all the wind is knocked from my lungs as the pressure gets worse and worse followed by strong intense pain

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