Chapter 8

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Hello, I hope you are having a wonderful day and or night, and that you have smiled today because you deserve the world!' And if no one has told you yet, you are beautiful and so talented <3

Also didn't proofread so-


*Time skip a year*

*October 12th 4:06pm 2020*

"I'll be back I'm going to get Ryder" Carson yelled as she opened the house door stepping on the wooden porch into the cold rain, thunder rumbled deeply as lightning streaked the dark grey skies

"Ugh raining again. Its been a week come on!" She mumbled to herself as she walked down the drive and quickly made her way to her car climbing in and shutting the door, she starts the car and begins the long drive to the physical therapy building.

She sang loudly to her music mainly being Taylor Swift as she pulled up to the brick building the rain was coming down much lighter which made Carson feel more at ease while she drove, there was nothing she hated more then being caught in the heavy rain that made it nearly impossible to see through

"Hey!" She jumps hearing a voice as Ryder climbs in

"Uh where's the wheelchair?!" Carson questioned shocked

"They said I don't need it and gave me a walker... they want me to get use to not having a wheelchair anymore" Ryder explains a grin stuck to her face. She hated her wheelchair and couldn't wait to walk again, and she was making excellent progress and was ecstatic to hear she can start walking without it

"That's great Ry!" there celebration was stopped short by a loud clap of thunder causing them both to jump

"Uh let's get home... before it gets worse" Ryder tells her friend who nods and starts the car and begins driving, the rain slowly got heavy as they made the long drive home, they lived in a large 6 bedroom house in the country side, not far from the city. There was a large forest behind there house followed by a beautiful river

"I could use a nap" Ryder mumbled tiredly stretching in the passenger seat, the rain was pounding against the windshield as the wipers tried to keep up. It was getting darker out and they still had about 10 minutes left

"Same, I didn't get much sleep" Carson yawns as she slowly decreases speed not feeling comfortable to keep the fast pace with how hard it was raining

"Nightmare?" Ryder asked already knowing the answer, because she too was up unable to sleep because of the nightmares infecting her fragile mind

"Yeah... I just didn't want to bother you guys, so I stayed in my room" Carson tells her as she pulls into the driveway

"You know you could never bother us... we want to help" Ryder says unbuckling her seatbelt. She couldn't wait to surprise her friends

"I know... come on I'm starving and want my salmon" Carson laughed opening the door as her and Ryder walked up the stone pathway onto the large porch

"Of course you do" Ryder chuckles as they walk inside, they hear Skylar singing as per normal, see Rose sitting on the couch with her bowl of cereal and the younger two are nowhere to be seen... probably in Raine's room hiding in a blanket fort from the thunder that is getting louder and closer as the rain gradually gets heavier

"Hey gu- HOLY BANANAS!" Rose shouts sitting up quickly nearly spilling her cereal all over the carpet

"Why are you screaming now?" Skylar shouts from the kitchen, instead of answering Rose sets her bowl down and smiles

"So, she can walk damn who would have thought" Rose comments with a laugh

"Now I can kick your ass" Ryder says playfully before running over, Rose jumps up and takes off to the kitchen

"I live in a house of toddlers" Carson mumbles shaking her head as she makes her way into the kitchen where Skylar is looking at her

"Did Rose just RUN?! And am I sleep deprived or is Ryder chasing her?" Skylar questioned

"No both of those things are happening right now" Carson tells her opening the fridge looking around for her salmon

"Oh... okay" Skylar mumbles clearly confused but at this point she won't question it the girls go about there day, Skylar and Carson make them a huge dinner in celebration of Rose's promotion and Ryder being free of her wheel chair. The girls all ate happily as they talked about random things, Carson told the girls about how after nearly a year of planning and thinking she wants to go on tour, but how she wants them to come with her, not wanting to be so far away from them

"Of course, we will come with, I have loads of vacation time saved up" Skylar tells her and Rose nods in agreement

"I am your photographer so-"Ryder points out taking a bite of her meal

"And we have no plans" Owyn speaks for both her and Raine who nods

"Sweet... thanks guys" Carson says, dinner finishes and it's the twins day to do the dishes so they get right to work, the others split up to there rooms to do there own thing, Ryder working on some editing for her latest video, Carson writing new music for her stream. Skylar hops into the shower and Rose goes back to sitting on the couch watching her show.

The rumble of thunder and the flicker of the lights as all the girl's attention, it was nearly 10 pm as they where getting ready for bed, most having work in the morning and wanting to get some sleep. The rain was coming down in bucket loads as thunder roared and lightning streaked the dark clouds giving some form of light. The girls slowly made there way down the stairs into the living room where Rose and Raine where watching there show

"Do you think we are going to lose power?" Rose questioned shutting the tv off as a knock at the door causes them to jump who the hell could possibly be here at 10pm!! In the middle of a storm at that

"Wait" Carson says grabbing Ryders arm who was going to answer it, she had a bad feeling about this and would rather they just lock everything and go to bed

"What?" Skylar mumbles swallowing the fear she felt for whatever was happening, another knock broke them from their thoughts

"Someone has to answer it" Owyn whispers backing behind the older girls, Ryder slowly moves from the group going into the kitchen grabbing the biggest knife she could and made her way back into the living room motioning the knife to the door

"Hang on" Skylar whispers grabbing a bat she keeps in the living room and slowly follows Ryder to the door, they open the door and there's no one there, just a letter on the ground. The girls exchange looks before looking around, seeing nothing but pitch black darkness and rain around them

"Who's there" Skylar questions as Ryder grabs the letter, they quickly shut the door and lock it

"What is it?" Carson asked making her way over grabbing the soaking wet piece of paper, her face paled and she looked at her friends wide eyed as they grabbed the paper, one by one they each read it before looking at each other.

Did you miss me? Cause I missed you.

Wow I finally could focus for more then 4 seconds to write a short chapter for you (thanks alph) anyway I hope you have an amazing day or night.

Byeee <3

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