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They were just listening to Fords orders. Only taking what the man told them out of the machine and putting it into the bag the man brought with them. Easy as that.

But yet, they triggered it.

The three men were frozen in place, Ford seeming scarily calm, as if that had happened before. Which it probably did.

The security system was pointing guns at the three, apparently not registering the eyeball, as it had no heartbeat.

"Stay calm boys. They won't harm you if they don't get a reaction out of you.", the scientist explained, and the two tried to listen, they really did. When the flying machines started to ignore Ford and focus on the two of them, the man seemed ready to interfere. Their hearts were picking up speed and breathes were hitching, but with the last bit of clear thoughts, Jack turned around, forcing his friend to do the same, and started patting Sammy to ease his spiking nerves.

"Calm, calm, calm, I'm supper calm...", he muttered. Mark closed his eyes and tried to ignore the life threatening alien technology right behind him, trying to think happy thoughts like his friend seemed to do, that didn't have anything to do with the inevitable death.

Finally, after a few seconds that stretched like infinity, there were three loud crash's to be heard. The two men turned back, only to see the machines deactivated on the ground.

"Oh thank god...", Mark muttered.

"That has nothing to do with god. You two did that great!", Stanford praised, still not really used to them being grown up now.

"I won't miss that when I'm back home.", Jack declared, before turning back to the body adjust machine that they were taking apart before.

"What now?"


After they successfully removed everything the scientist would need for his own machine, the three humans and the eyeball started walking back home. Or well, Sam was floating behind them while the humans walked.

It was difficult to get the parts through the forest, the different creatures living there seemed to just wait for them in the darkness, ready to steal the important pieces.

However, after Ford pulled out the magnet gun, which the creatures seemed to think was a real gun, they left them alone and the men continued their journey back home.

From hen on, it was only half an hour until Ford opened the door.

"We're back!", he happily announced. Mabel and Dipper immediately came running down the stairs to greet them, only to fall face first on the floor when they saw the two now adults.
Well, Dipper managed to catch himself. Mabel fell.

"Woah, what happened?!", she yelled while jumping back up, disappointed that she missed her chance to flirt with them when they were her age. Not that the two men would have agreed on that anyways, but a girl could hope. Even though, she was smart enough not to, now that they were official adults again.

"You won't believe it!", Ford beamed. "The UFO is still in tact!"

"Which is really great-" Mark interrupted.

"And Terrifying..", Seán mumbled.

"But we need to get this machine working as soon as possible."

"Yes, you're right.", Stanford agreed. "I will head to my lab!"

"Wait, can I help you?", Dipper asked hopefully.

"Sorry, but this is too important. Maybe after this is over, we could work on a safer project.", the scientist said, trying to cheer his nephew up. Dipper only sighed sadly but understanding and nodded. After that, the man left through the snack machine and down the stairs and elevator.

"So, what happened in there?", Tim asked curiously.

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