Chapter II (R)

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A/N: Just as a reference for the future, any chapter with an R means there will be explicit content!

Also, I hope you enjoy my inspiration image for Raibyn as an adult!


Chapter II (R)

Kelsen lazily rested his forehead against the glass of his carriage. His parents would have scolded him for such posture, but he was alone. Save for the carriage driver and the four guards that walked alongside.

How did his parents manage to convince him? Was it the threats? Was it the negotiation? Or was it the fact that Kelsen knew arguing would only delay it?

The prince just sighs and watches as day slowly fades away into the night. His pale skin seemed to illuminate in the light and his green eyes shone like precious gems. The moonlight sparkled off the river that ran from the castle all the way to Krudour. Just the thought made Kelsen shiver.

Ever since his accident, he has never gone close to an open body of water. His father and advisors did their best from amnesia, to slow weening, and even at one point chucking him into a lake that his father had built in the castle gardens. Nothing had been able to break the prince from his fear.

He runs his fingers through his white hair, messing up the braid that fell and gently laid across the seat beside him. Grumbling he unties it, allowing his locks to lay across him, almost like a blanket. He despised how similar he looked to his father, granted he loved him, but he didn't want to be a replica. He wanted to be King Kelsen, not the shadow of King Ehlark.

Kelsen sighs and returns to the paperwork splayed across the rest of the bench. It was nothing of particular interest to Kelsen. It was just royal decrees for the marriage that his father had already signed and only needed the baron's seal for it to be official.

The prince tosses the paper back onto the seat and combs his fingers through his hair that felt like silk from the rose water that they had done before he left. He was just glad that he was allowed to wear trousers and a tunic rather than a robe like the king.

He gently fingers the emerald ring on his right thumb that represented his family seal. He only ever wore it when he went into the local market for his mother as a sign of his status, though he doubts no one in the kingdom doesn't know his face by now.

Just as he's daydreaming about the village festivals he and Rai would sneak to disguised as peasants the carriage comes to a halt.

Kelsen doesn't even glance at the door as a guard opens it, letting torch light illuminate the small space. "Time to rest for the night, your majesty." Kelsen nods and extends his hand for the guard to help him out. Once he's free of the cramped carriage he stretches his back and shoulders, standing at his full six foot height. Given he was average size for elven men, that doesn't mean he hadn't been uncomfortable.

He brushes his clothes to get rid of the wrinkles as he's led into a tavern occumpanied by his four guards and driver. The prince glances around boardly at nothing in particular and continues to finger his ring. The guards approach the inn owner who looks gobsmacked to have the prince in his establishment. A fairly normal reaction Kelsen gets. Even the patrons have hushed a little to see the elf who just walked in surrounded by guards?

They were realitvely far from the castle, so these people may not recognize Kelsen by his face, but that doesn't stop him from sticking out regardless.

The prince is used to stares, though not from these types. The men and some women that occupied the space seemed rough and tired after a long day of work. Unlike the prince who has never had to do hard labor in his life, except for sword training. Kelsen remains composed with his hands placed behind his back as the guards pay for the rooms. Naturally they would get Kelsen one alone and the five of them would share or split.

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